Sunday, July 12, 2020

I Try Hard Not to Hate – Mitt Romney Makes it Hard

Mitt Romney does his Mitt Romney thing again today as he tweets about President Trump commuting the sentence of Roger Stone:

Rather than allow myself to be drawn into unhealthy toxic anger; allow me to shift the focus for a moment to drive home the point that up to the moment that Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, all national politics was controlled club activity.

It was in the aftermath of Mitt Romney taking a dive in 2012 when I first decided to really drill down on the club networks and figure out their strategies. Not esoteric analysis of what the political ideology is; but rather, a deep, very deep, focus into the network of how they actually function and what they physically do to keep hidden. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never go back to a time when you did not see them.
George Carlin was right, smart man, it’s a big club and we we’re not in it… until Trump.

The elevation of a semi-coherent and cognitively challenged vessel named Joe Biden should also drive home the point that both political wings of the UniParty bird, are ultimately a Potemkin village to disguise a network of powerful interests.

In January 2019 again CTH warned about Mitt Romney.  There’s a bunch of them to worry about but Mitt Romney and Nikki Haley are two republicans with the most toxic lust for power and influence.   Stay aware… beyond the Romney’s and Haley’s you’d be surprised how many embedded cells are simply laying dormant waiting to activate like political terror cells.

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has one major career alliance that has been unbroken and unchanged for well over two decades.  That alliance is with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and specifically with CoC President Tom Donohue.  [SEE HERE and SEE HERE].

Mitch McConnell is stealthily working against the efforts of President Donald Trump.  The effort is to support his primary Wall Street financial benefactor, Donohue. However, Mitch McConnell cannot directly be connected to underhanded efforts against President Trump because it would lead to: (A) questions about a confrontation; and (B) public exposure. [ex. think about how McConnell is blocking President Trump from recess appointments]

Mitch McConnell has to be very careful about the visibility of how he undermines the President. Everything must have built in plausible deniability.

McConnell has a history of getting caught. However, fortunately for him people also have a tendency to forget [see McConnell’s scheme in the Mississippi 2014 Cochran race as an example].  Almost no-one remembers that U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, the founder of the Senate Conservative Fund, quit the Senate specifically because of the schemes and internal Machiavellian power moves of Mitch McConnell.

So when the carefully constructed, pre-planned, pre-scheduled, and pre-organized public op-ed by incoming Senator Mitt Romney was deployed in the Washington Post… for those who have watched McConnell work; we knew exactly who orchestrated it and why.

Senator Romney will be one (not the only) visible face of the opposition.  However, just like former Senator Corker and current Senator Sasse, the instructions (direct and indirect), and/or the approvals, will come from Leader McConnell’s office.

Through his power structure McConnell directly controls about 8 to 15 republican senators; we have called them “The Decepticons” for years. [Cornyn, Thune, Porter, Blunt, Portman, Burr, Barasso, Crapo, Murkowski, Gardner, Roberts, Sasse, Tillis, Graham and now Romney]

McConnell needed to test Romney’s commitment to the Decepticon club.  Romney passed the test.  Romney was rewarded with placement on the Senate Foreign Relations committee.  Those Senators who sit on this committee get the most financial benefit from foreign lobbyists.  To understand the financial process think: Qatar & McCain Institute etc.

That’s what is going on internally…. and no, I doubt President Trump knows the scale of it; or maybe he does, and he has to pretend like he doesn’t to navigate his agenda… but somehow I doubt it.

To remind ourselves how Minority and Majority Senator McConnell took down the threat of the Tea Party revisit these old articles CNN Part I and CNN Part II  both showcase how McConnell works.   Then do some research on how McConnell worked with Haley Barbour in Mississippi [SEE HERE].

Yes, Democrats are openly the opponents.  However, the republican wing of the uniparty is no less dangerous.
