Saturday, July 11, 2020

I guess some people are above the law after all

Did anyone actually believe the Democrats meant it when they told us during the Shampeachment that nobody is above the law?

Remember back when the Democrats were trying to railroad Trump with impeachment? Each and every one them, like mindless parrots, burped out the phrase “Nobody is above the law.”

Yeah, they’re really big on the rule of law, aren’t they?

Hahahaha! No they aren’t.

Yesterday in her babbling press conference, Nancy Pelosi was asked about the mobs of vandals tearing down statues — most notably the statue of Christopher Columbus in her hometown of Baltimore.  And, hang on to your hats, she did not respond by saying “Nobody is above the law.”


Nancy’s response?

Oh, those rascally scamps!

Now, to be fair, back when the Democrats were parroting the “nobody is above the law” talking point nobody actually believed they meant it.

But it isn’t as if they could say, “No Republican is above the law.”

The “law” is a weapon Democrats use to bludgeon their enemies. When the “law” helps them gain power, they embrace it.

And when the lawlessness is coming from their side? Oh, well. People will do what they do.

This is why they apply “the law” unequally.

It’s why Bill de Blasio can ordain that all mass gatherings are banned – except Black Lives Matter protests.

Five years ago, during the Baltimore riots, I said violence is useful to these guys.  And that hasn’t changed one bit.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t going to get all sanctimonious and lecture these useful mobs on how nobody is above the law.  Why would she?

She views their lawlessness as politically advantageous.

Unrest, violence, division, racial strife – these are all useful to Nancy Pelosi.  So she brushes it off as no biggie.

It’s quite a switch from the way she responded to the Tea Party protests, isn’t it?

Remember how she got all weepy and pretended these folks dressed like Paul Revere and Betsy Ross and carrying Gadsden flags were a threat to the safety and security of the country?

Not one car was torched, not a single store looted, not one police officer assaulted, not one person killed, and not one statue destroyed.  The only violence at Tea Party rallies was perpetrated by SEIU union thugs who swarmed the rallies and attacked the Tea Partiers.

For crying out loud.  The Tea Partiers would police the area and clean up trash when their protests were over.

And yet Pelosi pretended to choke up in horror over the freaking Tea Party.

Violent mobs are assaulting people, destroying property, and vandalizing historical landmarks, and all Nancy can summon in response is “people will do what they do.”

What an disgusting liar this woman is.

She doesn’t care about the lawlessness and violent crime these riots bring.

And she certainly doesn’t believe that nobody is above the law. She never did.

This is the America we have to look forward to if the Democrat Party regains power.