Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Delusions of Grandeur

Only someone with delusions of grandeur, who oversaw such a catastrophic failure, would think he has the moral standing to lecture any other governor on COVID response.

I’ve always known Andrew Cuomo was an arrogant ass.  After ten years of living under his bombastic rule, it’s impossible not to pick up on that.  But in his bungling mismanagement of the Wuhan pandemic, I realized that “arrogant” is the least of his character flaws.  Andrew Cuomo suffers from delusions of grandeur.

How else do you explain a guy who fails so badly strutting around like King Midas and patting himself on the back for having more deaths than any other state in the union?  That’s not your run-of-the-mill egotistical politician.

That’s a guy with delusions of grandeur.

Cuomo views even his bungling failures as triumphant successes.

I’m telling you this guy is delusional.

Monday during a press conference, like a seventh grader unveiling his science project, Andy revealed a gigantic Styrofoam mountain – a 3-dimensional monument to his grisly failure – as if it somehow was “proof” of what a great leader he is.

Only someone with delusions of grandeur would think creating such a visual aid made him look good. 

Only someone with delusions of grandeur, who oversaw such a catastrophic failure, would think he has the moral standing to lecture any other governor on COVID response.
I’m sure it doesn’t help that the national news media swoons over the guy.

As a friend of mine said the other day, “Clout is a powerful drug.”  When you’re treated like a superhero and Light Bringer by a sycophantic national press, who wouldn’t get a little full of himself?  And Andrew Cuomo had a bit of a head start in that department.  He was already full of himself.

So what’s the next level of psychosis?

Delusions of grandeur.

This is why, despite the myriad of failures – most notably forcing nursing homes to admit COVID-positive patients – Andrew Cuomo is deluded enough to believe this is his moment to climb onto the mountain of dead and claim victory.

Honestly, I have never seen such a brazen detachment from reality.

As Kyle Smith put it in his New York Post column “Gov. Cuomo is in no position to brag about New York’s coronavirus response:”

Gov. Cuomo is spiking the football, dunking the basketball, and dashing around the soccer field taking off his shirt. He’s spraying champagne all over Albany. He’s Muhammad Ali standing over the crumpled form of Sonny Liston in 1965: Boom, take that, coronavirus.Woo-hoo! Victory! Only 31,000 deaths. New York suffered through the equivalent of 9/11 times 11 but . . . yay?

“You played politics with this virus and you lost,” Cuomo said in an interview Thursday, referring to Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis, with whom Cuomo is engaging in a bizarre feud to rival his utterly nonsensical ongoing war with fellow liberal Democrat Mayor de Blasio.

“It’s now undeniable this country paid a terrible price,” Cuomo continued, suggesting . . . what? That other states lacked the sage wisdom of Andrew Cuomo, slayer of the coronavirus? Thirty-one thousand New York families would like a word.

Let’s be honest here. Andrew Cuomo isn’t an example of how to deal with a crisis.

He is a cautionary tale.