Sunday, July 26, 2020

Crossfire Coup Crew Been Quiet Lately

Ohr flipped day one when cornered by IG

James Baker flipped once his name started showing up in FOIA


Strzok/Page flip to avoid jail - plead out to probation for their testimony upstream

Comey/McCabe have layers of title 18 charges 1001 (to Congress) + 371 + 2384


A person has to draw back to 30,000 ft to get a just a peek of this vast huge scandal. The Spygate alone is more than 100 conspirators from inside and outside of government who directly played significant roles in this seditious scandal.

This includes members of Hillary’s campaign, the leadership of the DNC, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, Orbis, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the State Department, Congress, Congressional staffers, British intelligence, Kremlin-linked Russians and the White House.

That's just Spygate

That doesn't include Ukraine and all that was going on there, that is a totally separate investigation that just stemmed off of the attempted takedown of Trump. The roots of this poisonous tree cover the globe, because Obama and the Clintons were selling our country globally.

As I said before the most disappointing of it all is Barry will avoid prosecution. Even though he'll skate, he's involved. There’s no conceivable way the leadership of so many different agencies could conspire to carry out a plan of this magnitude without his approval - PERIOD.

This thing, this cancer has grown so big it now includes federal judges, there's no way Sullivan goes this far down the road in this Flynn case on his own. He was pushed, because everything he's doing now goes against everything he was taught in law school and everything his past 30 yr history has shown.

And this huge number doesn’t include the dozens of media that willingly accepted & leaked false information & then reported it in order to both, supply added credibility to multiple fraudulent FISA applications & to create a megaphone with which to tear down a sitting POTUS.

The media has played the most disingenuous of parts in this scandal. Parts of this scandal that normally would have proven irresistible to reporters in the past have been purposely ignored. False narratives have been all too willingly promoted and facts flat out ignored.

The only real question remains is when Barr/Trump drop the hammer & all the declassified evidence makes it impossible for the corrupt media to keep ignoring this seditious scam, will the enemedia finally report the truth? Will they ever quit covering for the swamp?

Probably Not