Friday, July 10, 2020

Before Y’all Sign On to...

Black America: 
Before Y'all Sign On to BLM...

During the opening monologue of his show, Arsenio Hall included a running gag titled, “Things that make you say hmmm.” To my fellow blacks, here are things that should make you say “hmmm” about Black Lives Matter.

BLM's mission statement says they want to destroy the nuclear family. Rejecting BLM's war on the family, black former NFL star Marcellus Wiley offered these stats. “Children from single-parent homes verses two-parent homes. Children from single-parent homes are 5 times more likely to commit suicide -- 6 times more likely to be in poverty -- 9 times more likely to drop out of school – 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances – 14 times more likely to commit rape – 20 times more likely to end up in prison and 32 times more likely to run away from home.” 

BLM's founders admit they are “trained Marxists.” These disciples of Karl Marx have launched a revolution against capitalism to implement socialism which will morph into communism. Communism means elites dictate every aspect of your life. They sucker you in by promising everything for free. Their promise always falls short because someone has to work to produce goods and services. When government confiscates the majority of what you earn to redistribute equally to people who do nothing, human nature asks why should you bust your butt? Communist dictators live high on the hog while the people live on the crumbs that fall from their table. Do you see anything related to George Floyd or empowering blacks in BLM's Marxist agenda?

To please BLM, Democrat city councils, mayors, and governors have begun disbanding, defunding, and ordering their police to stand down. Mainstream media (fake news media) won't tell y'all this, but when the police go away, black folks suffer most. Consequently, in six weeks there have been six hundred murders, mostly blacks killing blacks, in Democrat-controlled cities; New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and Baltimore. 

For years, black-on-black homicides continue to reach record-breaking numbers in Democrat cities. Why isn't BLM dealing with this real issue costing black lives? How come black lives only matter when they are killed by a rare white person?

This will come as a shock, but rock-solid data confirms that police have been the greatest defenders of black lives for several years. Fake news media and Democrats lie about everything; using y'all as useful idiots. They have manufactured extreme racial unrest hoping blacks will blame Trump and vote for Biden.

Systemic racism is a lie. Blacks are only 13% of the population. Therefore, white America voted for the first black president two times. Oprah is worth $2.6 billion. Can we please stop the systemic racism nonsense?

Before the COVID hysteria, Trump had blacks experiencing unprecedented prosperity and historic low unemployment. Why did Democrats and BLM worked so hard to destroy Trump's booming economy? Answer: BLM said their top priority is to force Trump to resign. Screw black jobs and prosperity. BLM burned down black businesses, chased businesses from black areas; suicides, domestic violence, and black suffering has skyrocketed due to BLM's and Democrats' joint efforts to crush the economy to get Trump out of office.

Sacrificing babies in worship to a false god, BLM and Democrats strongly support and defend Planned Parenthood. Do y'all know PP was founded by racist Margaret Sanger? Sanger thought blacks were inferior and must be exterminated. In a 1939 letter Sanger wrote, “We don't want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population...”

Still today, 70% of PP dead-baby chop-shops (they illegally sell the parts for profit) are located in black neighborhoods.  Black women are only 14% of the child-birthing population and yet 36% of all U.S. abortions are black babies.  Blacks are engaged in their own genocide via abortion. Why do those black lives not matter?

It truly amazes me that so many corporations, Democrat politicians, fake news media, and Christians have no problem with the glaring reverse racism demanded by BLM. BLM is a cult whose zealots demand that whites actually kneel in worship and beg forgiveness for being white. Is this what Jesus wants?

BLM operatives have white middle school students hating themselves, taught that they were born racist. Does Jesus want people (kids) hating themselves? BLM had a sportscaster fired for daring to say, “all lives matter.” Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross because all lives matter. If you support BLM's racist mandates and agenda, the love of Christ is not in you. Your Christianity emits a putrid odor.

So there you have it. I have given you several easy to confirm truths to consider before signing on or joining the cheering team of BLM. Some will still rather believe the 24/7 deceptions, distortions, and lies of fake news media. I believe there is an evil spiritual component attached to such willingness to be deceived. The Bible speaks of those who prefer to believe a lie over the truth. “Behold, you trust in deceptive words to no avail.” (Jeremiah 7:8)

But then, why should you believe me? I am nothing more than a self-hating, Uncle Tom, black Republican, Conservative, Christian, stupid n*****, and a traitor to my race; seated firmly aboard Trump Train 2020