Sunday, July 26, 2020

“Americans don’t settle,” says the candidate Democrats settled for

Joe isn’t the Chosen One; he’s the one DemParty settled for. 
He’s the “He’ll have to do” candidate.

Maybe it’s a side-effect of having scrambled eggs for brains, but Joe Biden seems to be unaware of his role in this election.  Joe isn’t the Chosen One; he’s the one the Democrat Party settled for.  He’s the “He’ll have to do” candidate.

They settled on Biden to prevent a Bernie nomination.

They settled on Biden because, despite all their histrionics over “racist Trump,” Democrats are genuinely worried that too many black voters will do the unthinkable and vote to reelect Donald Trump.

And they should be worried about that.  According to Rasmussen’s July 24th presidential approval poll of likely voters, Trump has a 49% approval rating among blacks, and a 57% approval rating among all other non-white likely voters.

Democrats settled for Biden hoping his thin veneer of “moderate” would convince black voters that the Democrats haven’t gone full-on Marxist Left – despite the fact that the Democrats keep pushing Joe further to the Left.

Democrat voter enthusiasm is even lower for Biden than it was for Hillary.  Sure, many will vote for him for no other reason than they hate Trump.  But what is that if not settling?

So imagine my amusement when I saw this tweet from the “He’ll have to do” candidate the Democrats settled for:

Oh, Joe.  If the Democrat Party didn’t settle, you wouldn’t be the nominee.

They settled for this demented old cooter because he’s the perfect empty vessel former Obama operatives and radical Left Marxists can use to force their way back into the White House.

Democrats settled for Joe because Joe in and of himself has absolutely nothing to offer and, more importantly, will present no obstruction to their radical Left agenda.

He’s not steering this ship; he’s the guy hiding out in steerage.

But I do agree.  Americans shouldn’t settle.

We shouldn’t settle for a party that ignores – or worse condones — rioting, looting, violence and lawlessness.

Nor should we settle for a party that openly despises us while it uses these violent mobs to intimidate us into voting Democrat.

And on this point, as I mentioned the other day, they are no longer hiding it.

Do Americans really want to settle for this?

Do we really want to settle for a candidate with applesauce for brains who is easily manipulated by radical Marxists who seek to “fundamentally transform” our great country and are more than willing to use violence, mayhem and anarchy to achieve that goal?

I’m thinking no. Because Joe is right; American’s don’t settle.

And while the Democrat Party might have settled for “He’ll Have to Do” Biden, we Americans shouldn’t settle for anything less than Liberty, Freedom, Equal Justice, the Rule of Law, and Economic Prosperity. And old Joe will deliver on none of those things.

So let’s not settle for Joe. Instead, let’s let Joe settle for his basement.