Saturday, July 11, 2020

Alexander Vindman Cries ‘Retaliation’ While President Promotes Another Impeachment Witness

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who testified against President Donald Trump in the Democratic House’s fall impeachment trial— destroying his own credibility in the process—made headlines this week after announcing his retirement from the Army, citing “bullying, intimidation and retaliation” from Trump.

“After more than 21 years of military service, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman is retiring today after it has been made clear that his future within the institution he has dutifully served will forever be limited,” Vindman’s lawyer David Pressman said in a statement.

If that legacy includes becoming a pawn for House Democrats in their deep state impeachment hoax, leaking classified documents to undermine the president, lamenting it would be a “great honor” to serve as defense minister of a foreign country, and engaging in open insubordination, then yes, Vindman served “dutifully.”
Vindman’s retirement comes the same week as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent earned a promotion, according to officials familiar with the matter who spoke to Foreign Policy Magazine. The president signed off on Kent’s advancement.

Throughout the Democrats’ sham impeachment saga, Kent, the State Department’s top official on Ukraine, offered testimony that actually built a case for investigating the Biden family’s dealings with the eastern European ally rather than bring forward any new major evidence Trump pushed an alleged “quid pro quo” on the Ukrainian president.

“My concern was that there was the possibility of a perception of a conflict of interest,” Kent said of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, serving on the board of a Ukrainian energy company named Burisma while his father was dictating White House policy on Ukraine.

A Federalist analysis of Hunter Biden’s pay would later reveal the extent to which the vice president’s son was being showered in excess compensation, earning upwards of $50,000 a month despite no prior experience in the industry which nearly doubles those on the board of Exxon Mobil, an energy company worth billions more than Burisma.

During Vindman’s appearance before the House Intelligence Committee, the lieutenant colonel attempted to contradict others who exonerated the president but only contradicted himself getting caught in an open lie about his resume and displaying his insubordination.
Kent, according to Foreign Policy Magazine, was first recommended for a promotion among a select group of other diplomats last summer, months before House Democrats kicked off their formal impeachment proceedings.