Sunday, June 14, 2020

The VP short list is shortening, and guess who isn’t on it

I hope someone has the presence of mind 
to put Stacey on suicide watch.

Uh-oh.  The AP reported yesterday that Joe Biden’s vice presidential short list has been winnowed down to three people – Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and inexplicably Susan Rice.

Actually, the short list consists of entirely inexplicable people if you want to know the truth.

As Derek Hunter pointed out on Twitter yesterday:

Noticeably absent from the VP short list is the news media’s favorite Supermodel, Stacey Abrams.

I guess all those fawning PR pieces didn’t do the trick.

Though I’m thinking Stacey knew this was coming since just the other day, she admitted to Stephen Colbert that Team Biden had yet to contact her to begin the vetting process.

Maybe I should feel bad about chuckling over Stacey’s failure to make the short list.  But given how in-your-face and thirsty she was about the whole thing, I can’t help but chuckle.

Stacey was so certain that since Joe planned to nominate a black woman, she had it in the bag.

I mean just how crappy must she be feeling right now to discover she isn’t black enough for Biden, but Elizabeth Warren is.

I hope someone has the presence of mind to put Stacey on suicide watch.

Truthfully, though, Stacey isn’t the only one who’s going to be pissed with Liz Warren making the short list.  The big money corporations and Wall Street bigwigs who fund the Democrat Party aren’t going to be happy about it either.

At this point, now that Stacey’s full-court press failed, I imagine the one who will replace her as the overly thirsty, eager beaver of the bunch will be Kamala.

Let’s be honest, Kamala wants that VP slot as badly as Stacey did.  Why do you think she’s going balls to the wall exploiting these Black Lives Matter protests riots?

I expect over the next few weeks, we’re going to be seeing and hearing a hell of a lot from Kamala as she tries to shove her way to the top of that short list. Though, I’m sure the same can be said for Elizabeth Warren.

This whole Biden Veep-stakes has the same dynamic you’d get if you tossed a single piece of red meat into a room full of ravenous hyenas.

But as of now, there is one fewer ravenous hyena in the pack.

Sorry Stacey.  Maybe next time try and win an election first before you get your hopes up.