Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Mask Dictator

The Mask Dictator decrees that as President he will use his executive power to force all Americans behind masks.

Despite his continuing effort to portray Donald Trump as a reckless authoritarian, yesterday Democrat nominee Joseph Robinette Biden morphed into the Mask Dictator.

At this point, I’m thinking Joe Biden’s projection has reached its zenith.

Lecturing Americans for their refusal to wear a mask, the Mask Dictator declared that if he becomes President, he will use the power of the Federal Government to force every American behind a mask.


And where does the Mask Dictator find that hitherto unknown executive power?

Who knows?

The Mask Dictator initially only said “I would insist that anybody out in public wear a mask.”  But later, his insistence became a promised decree declaring that he would use his executive powers to force people to wear masks.

Truth is, Biden, like Hillary before him, and Obama before her, believes the Presidency comes with a grab-bag of unchecked powers.  And all three of them never hesitated to tell us all the things they would force us to do – or not do — when they came to power.

But Trump is the authoritarian, everybody.

On a related note.

Monday I had my regular Lupus check appointment at my Rheumatologist’s office.  And when they called on June 19th to confirm the appoint, I said to the woman, “I assume I’m required to wear a mask.”

Her answer surprised me.  She told me, no.  I don’t need to come in with a mask.  They will have a station set up inside the building where my temperature would be taken and they would then issue me a mask.

“We need to make sure you are wearing a sterile mask,” she explained.

And suddenly I realized what a nonsensical bit of Kabuki this whole “you must wear a mask” silliness is.

How much do you want to bet that not one person wandering around in a spiffy face mask is wearing a sterile mask?

Do you think that thick, heavy, black number the Mask Dictator is always wearing is sterile?  Not on the likely.  Dirty Hands Joe can’t stop fussing with his mask. Watch him on the few occasions he emerges from his hidey hole.  He’s all the time touching the damn thing.

If you, like me, are required to wear a mask in public, you probably keep a mask in your car that, when you go to the store or anywhere else, you slip it on as you exit your vehicle.

In fact, the mask currently in my car for that purpose is the same mask they gave me at my Rheumatologist’s office on Monday.  Since the other mask I had been wearing was made of a thick cloth that made it difficult to breathe, I replaced it with the one my doctor’s office issued. And trust me, that doctor-issued mask ain’t sterile anymore.

If my doctor requires that the mask you wear be sterile, clearly my doctor knows something the Mask Dictator doesn’t understand – namely that these unsterile Kabuki face-coverings are pretty much useless.

But hey, it’s the nifty new way for insufferable scolds to virtue signal.  That’s all that matters, am I right?

Because for the Democrats who long ago embraced the “politics of good intentions,” virtue signaling, not any meaningful outcome, is all that matters.