Thursday, June 18, 2020

Takeover of America by Dark Powers

Takeover of America by Dark Powers

- Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says the riots, looting and arson you are seeing around the country has little to do with so-called social justice and everything to do with the takeover of America by dark powers.  Kevin Shipp explains, “We have to understand the roots of these organizations, and Antifa is a Marxist organization.  Black Lives Matter was founded by two Marxists.  Black Lives Matter is connected to the Nation of Islam.  So, these two organizations are essentially anti-traditional America.  There is no question about it.  This is a Marxist movement.  What is Marxism?  That’s communism, and that is the same thing and essentially the foundation of progressivism.  We are seeing a last gasp from the extreme Left to stop Donald Trump.  The soft coup failed.  The false impeachment failed.  Blaming Covid 19 on Trump failed, and now they are doing one last gasp.  This is a group of Marxists trying to stop Trump and his movement from being elected.”

Shipp has identified three areas the Marxist/communist Democrats are targeting.  Shipp contends, “I call it ‘C 3.’  They are after the Constitution.  The want to change the First and Second Amendments for starters.  That’s the first ‘C.’  The second ‘C’ is our culture.  They want to change and eliminate traditional American values and U.S. sovereignty.  And the third ‘C’ they pick out to attack is Christianity.  Why?  Because all three of them stand in the way of Marxism, and all three of them stand in the way of radical Islam and the Nation of Islam that is connected to Black Lives Matter.  All three of those are the enemy. That is why you see Progressives and radical Islam joining together because they have the common enemy and a common target:  our Constitution, Culture and Christianity.

How do you combat all of this?  Shipp says, “First of all, we pray.  America was started with prayer.  It was continued with prayer, and we need to keep praying.  Second, we as Christians need to stand up and stop allowing them to do this to our government.  We are supposed to support our government as long as government is good, but when government starts doing things like abortion up to the ninth month, we, in the church, and pastors may need to think twice about their tax exempt status.  We have to start standing up and decrying ‘not my Constitution,’ and traditional values of America we need to stand up and fight for.  We, as Christians, have got to start doing that.”

Where does this end?  Shipp says, “They are pushing for a civil war, and we are in a soft civil war right now.  It just hasn’t broken out into the streets.  This will result in a civil war, and we have to remember that we are not the minority. . . . . Your average American who loves the Constitution and traditional values is the majority.  They are making it look they are the majority because they have the media, but they are not the majority.  Sadly, I think we are in a soft civil war right now, and there is going to be one.”

Shipp also updates us with his analysis on other subjects such as the investigation into the Russia-Gate hoax, the economy and the overreaction of Covid.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with former CIA Officer Kevin Shipp.