Monday, June 15, 2020

Take Your Benzos...

"Take Your Benzos, Watch Your Porn": 

Advice For Self-Righteous Failures

Many Americans suffer from a spiritual sickness, a singular brand of ennui only found in the most industrialized nations, where prosperity is spread among a vast middle class. White middle class Americans have no culture to center them and tether them to a community. Most of the ethnic whites lost these critical ties to "their heritage" when their parents and grandparents fled the cities in the aftermath of WWII. Adrift in the suburbs, jumbled together with thousands of other well-to-do strangers, they became despondent.

Growing up, they lived lives that were planned by doting parents, who sheperded them from high school on to college, where the young adults of America go to "find themselves" in yet another layer of social conditioning masked as "education".

Like the Gen Xers who came before them, Millennials suffer from the same plight, only their sense of collective sense of entitlement and selfishness is more all-encompassing. Their parents appeased and coddled them to such an extreme degree that every minor setback in life is interpreted as some grand injustice, since they were never challenged, or pushed outside their comfort zone.

Once they hit 25, they slowly start to realize that the dream career they had in mind - a sprawling Manhattan apartment, a good-paying job, perhaps as a gossip columnist at a widely read alternative newspaper - is simply beyond their grasp. They didn't work hard enough, they didn't have the smarts, the drive or the wisdom. But the notion that their failures are consequences of their own mistakes simply doesn't compute; it's not them - it's the system. It's capitalism, or racism or white supremacy.

Yes, that must be it.

Anger and resentment can metastasize into hatred and fury at an alarming pace. Often, logic has nothing to do it. But for everyone thinking about joining the mob, we believe there's a better method of dealing with these uncomfortable feelings, and it starts, unfortunately, with something that's kind of uncomfortable: Taking responsibility for yourself. To that end, Twitter user @luinalaska, has some strikingly articulate thoughts (emphasis ours):

Some of you have done NOTHING with your life and you’re mad. You have a college degree & a smart phone with access to virtually *anything* and you can barely get out of bed in the morning while you spit on people who built a whole world with nothing but a horse, map, & axe.

You’ve made nothing with access to everything. You’ve conquered nothing. Hell you can’t even conquer yourself. So go tear it all down. Scream into the void how unfair it all is. It’s not that you’ve wasted your short time here. Surely not.

Don’t bother with your own legacy you’re busy shitting on the long dead who aren’t here to care. Go burn down every Starbucks. That’ll show them. Torch the Target. Tear down every monument. Deface every memorial. But what have you built? What do you leave behind?

So take your benzos. Watch your porn. Get Uber to drop off your dinner. Buy an adult coloring book. Have sex with strangers to ease your crippling anxiety. It’s not you. It’s the system really. It isn’t fair. Go cancel someone. Dox someone. They deserve it. You’re the good guy.

Don’t write an epic novel worth building a statue to remember you. Go troll seven year old problematic tweets ever on the hunt for the boogeymen. See now you’ve accomplished something. Cancel everyone. You’re a warrior now. A real hero.

And lastly whatever you do never ever take even a moment to self reflect on your own failures. Never own them. Never take a hint of responsibility. Remember you’re just a helpless victim of circumstances beyond your control. This all means nothing. Its like you weren’t even here.

We wonder whether the reason leftists find authoritarianism - their brand of authoritarianism - so appealing is simply because it would allow them a free-floating get out of jail free card, an excuse for all occasions. Because the one drawback of being free, is that people then expect you to take that freedom, and accomplish something with it.