Tuesday, June 16, 2020

New WuFlu – China Identifies New Coronavirus at Xinfadi Food Market

New coronavirus reports from Beijing are very sketchy. According to Chinese authorities they have identified a new strain of coronavirus at a massive wholesale food market in Beijing called the Xinfadi Market.  They are blaming “European Salmon”…

Beijing officials have reported 79 cases over the past four days, the biggest concentration of infections since February. The spate of new cases prompted officials in many parts of the city to swiftly bring back tough counter-epidemic measures, with at least three districts entering “war-time mode.”

Measures imposed included erecting round-the-clock security checkpoints, closing schools and sports venues, and reinstating temperature checks at malls, supermarkets and office buildings. CNBC REPORT:

There have been several economic reports that China’s manufacturing economy is contracting. Considering a desperate dragon…. It would not be out of place to consider that Beijing would react to losing an economic war, or even economic position, by trying to unleash a globally mitigating virus intended to target their geopolitical adversaries [Hong Kong, Taiwan and the U.S.]

This zero-sum outlook is EXACTLY how the Chinese red dragon thinks!
We have been engaged in an undeclared economic war.  Perhaps it’s time we made an official and public declaration; and strategically, openly, aligned all U.S. interests toward economic combat.