Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Larry Kudlow Discusses Economic Reopening -vs- Media COVID Panic –

Meanwhile, New York Manufacturing Index “Unexpectedly” Surges

The U.S. media are in ideological alignment with blue state governors and congressional democrats to hype COVID-19 panic as a method to keep the economy from reopening.  To advance this narrative the crowds during mass protects they approve of are ignored; but any crowd at an event they do not align with is used to push panic. Everyone can see this.

The New York manufacturing index shocked everyone earlier today showing a strong rebound.  The index “unexpectedly” surged 48 points in June surprising all economic forecasters.   Meanwhile, National Economic Council Chairman Larry Kudlow appears on Fox News to discuss the dynamics.

As Kudlow notes, President Trump is looking to use any potential phase-4 legislative package to inject a massive ‘America First’ boost, via tax incentives for manufacturing business interests to return to the U.S.  The administration does not see a need for additional direct spending, bailouts, or continued payments; however, this is an opportunity to provide tax incentives to boost U.S-centric economic activity.

It’s important to remember the dynamic of U.S. multinationals (Wall St), and how many of them align with Democrat and media efforts to hold down the U.S. economy. There are trillions at stake.
Wall Street multinationals are attempting to retain their prior investments in China and southeast Asia; the last thing they want is an incentive program (expensing, tax relief etc) putting pressure on them to return jobs and manufacturing to the United States. The multinationals prefer their decades-long built globalist supply chains that they paid congress to create.

Because of the specific interests, and the ideology, the multinationals, U.S. media, the resistance movement and democrat politicians are in alignment to support Wall Street against President Trump’s America-First agenda.

The singular force fighting for the benefit of Main Street USA is President Trump and his economic war council. In essence the Trump administration is in a battle against all the global interests, foreign and domestic, who are determined to keep the U.S. economy from expanding and getting stronger.

These are all simply different battles, with varying levels of escalation, in an economic policy war that has been waged for over three years. President Trump is fighting to deconstruct a globalist system created over decades. We are now at the apex of the battle where no political weapons are out-of-bounds… including the weaponization of viruses; and the political deployment of highly controlled racial reserve units.

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Manufacturing activity in New York State stabilized unexpectedly in June after three months of broad weakness brought on by coronavirus-related business shutdowns, and companies’ six-month outlook shot to a decade high, the New York Federal Reserve said on Monday.
The regional Fed bank’s Empire State Manufacturing Index surged 48 points to a reading of negative 0.2 from negative 48.5 in May. Economists polled by Reuters were looking for a reading of negative 29.8, according to the survey median. (link)