Wednesday, June 17, 2020

DOJ Sues John Bolton Over Book Release

Earlier today the DOJ filed a civil action [see pdf here] against former National Security Advisor John Bolton for refusing to comply with the classified intelligence review prior to publishing a book.  [DOJ FILING LINK]  Perpetual warmonger John Bolton worked as NSA to President Trump from April 2018 to September 2019.

Bolton was always an odd pick for National Security Advisor given his propensity to advance mid-east wars and advocacy for military strikes against North Korea.

…”On June 7, 2020, without Defendant giving any prior notice to the NSC, press reports revealed that Defendant and his publisher had resolved to release the book on June 23, without completing the pre-publication review process. Subsequent correspondence with Defendant’s attorney confirmed that public reporting.
Simply put, Defendant struck a bargain with the United States as a condition of his employment in one of the most sensitive and important national security positions in the United States Government and now wants to renege on that bargain by unilaterally deciding that the prepublication review process is complete and deciding for himself whether classified information should be made public.”… (pdf)

An embed of the lawsuit is below:

It is worth remembering during the impeachment effort John Bolton was holed-up in Qatar seemingly plotting his next moves.   Bolton is a deep state traveler of the highest order.  Qatar is the funding mechanism for many anti-Trump operations in the U.S.

The Qatari government has long been a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, and officials within Qatar held and influential friendship with former senator John McCain and his tribe of war advocates.

Qatar funds the Brookings Institute; which is the funder of Lawfare; which is the organization of ideological “beach friends” etc. etc.  All of these affiliated entities are connected by their desire to oppose President Trump.  There are trillions at stake.

It is not coincidental that Bolton’s anti-Trump activity aligns with the timing of the Pentagon.  Nothing is accidental. [Note the DATES]