Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Because Lincoln was all for online rage mobs

If only Lincoln could sue the Lincoln Project 
for crapping all over his name.

Back in 2012, a twenty-year-old named Kayleigh McEnany tweeted her love of Domino’s Pizza.  And Domino’s had the unmitigated gall to interact with her.

Here’s the offending exchange, again, from nearly eight years ago:

Oh, dear!  How awful!  This, well, this just cannot stand!

And because he has nothing constructive to contribute to our civic life, “Lincoln Project” co-founder Rick Wilson displayed some of those principles Lincoln was famous for by sending a rage mob after Domino’s Pizza for not knowing that the young woman they were thanking would eight years later become President Trump’s press secretary.

I wish I was joking.  But I’m not.

“Just” killed your brand … over an eight-year-old tweet. What a dick.

You understand why I said ideological bigotry, not racism, is what’s systemic in this country? Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson believes Domino’s Pizza should be killed because a future press secretary who does not align with the Left’s ideology likes their pizza, and said so in 2012. That’s ideological bigotry in action.

And, it screams the Principles of Lincoln, doesn’t it?

Yup.  If there is one think good old Abe Lincoln stood for, it was unleashing an unhinged mob of Trump-deranged fanatics on Domino’s Pizza for an eight-year-old tweet.

You know, I bet Kayleigh McEnany eats other things too. In fact, I bet she was eating food back in 2012. Maybe all these lunatics Rick Wilson is desperate to please should just stop eating entirely. You know, just to have their bases covered.

That’s what Lincoln would do!

The Lincoln Project wants to defeat President Trump because, unlike them, Trump is super divisive and he sends mean tweets.  And how are they going to defeat him?  By attacking Domino’s Pizza for a tweet from 2012 thanking someone for liking their pizza!


I wonder if Lincoln can sue these guys for crapping all over his name.
Speaking of killing a brand: When your founding members are hate-filled shit-posters who gin up the outrage mob over an innocuous 8-year-old tweet, your brand isn’t being killed, your brand was dead on arrival.

Now, I don’t know if Rick Wilson is just the dumbest, most bitter man to ever walk the earth, or if it’s that he’s just so hungry for love from people who hate Lincoln as much as they hate Trump.  Whatever the case, if you consider yourself a Republican and you’re donating to his misnamed Lincoln Project, maybe you should slap yourself silly and get a friggin’ clue.


This is how you deal with dumbasses like Rick Wilson: