Saturday, May 16, 2020

Reminder: Adolf Hitler Also Wanted To Go Outside And Do Things

U.S.—Many Americans are growing tired of the lockdown and want to once again leave their homes and go do things. As many historians note, this is similar to the attitude of genocidal maniac Adolf Hitler.

“If there is one thing Hitler was known for,” says historian Eric Reese, “it’s that he would leave his house and do things -- such as go to a restaurant, go to the store, or give a speech to a large crowd. It’s interesting -- and maybe scary -- that so many Americans want to do some of those same things.”

There are many photos of Hitler outside, providing ironclad proof that Hitler also liked to leave his house. It’s not certain, though, what the connection is between hateful bigotry and not wanting to be trapped in one’s own home. “We can’t know what’s motivating these people who want to get out of their houses,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom, “but is genocide next? History says yes.”

In Hitler’s final days, though, he did dutifully shelter in place -- living in a bunker -- despite wanting to go outside, so historians note that people who actually do go outside are in fact “worse than Hitler.”