Friday, May 1, 2020

Months after horse escapes, Cuomo orders barn door closed

Cuomo finally gets around to ordering the Super-Spreader subways sanitized daily. When over seventeen thousand have died in the NYC area already, “better late than never” doesn’t cut it.

Last weekend, I wrote about how the New York City subway system may very well be the delivery device that spread the Wuhan Virus far and wide throughout downstate New York.  The subways are still running which is understandable as essential workers still need to get to and from work.  But it wasn’t until yesterday that Governor Cuomo ordered the subway trains sanitized every day.

What’s the old saying about a horse and the barn door?

It’s been nearly two months since the first confirmed case of the Wuhan virus in New York City, and only now does Cuomo order the subways sanitized?

I’m … speechless.

Tell me again, oh wise news media, how Andrew Cuomo is the hero of the Wuhan Panic.  I’m all ears.

The same news media that treats Cuomo as Light Bringer in our dark times is regularly scolding Americans for wanting to go back to work. “How many people are you willing to sacrifice,” they sanctimoniously lecture, “just so you can go back to work and pay your bills?!”

Did those media people ask Cuomo how many people he was willing to sacrifice before he ordered the super-spreader subways sanitized?

At last tally, in the NYC area, over seventeen thousand have died.  So I guess their Hero was willing to sacrifice over seventeen thousand lives.

BuT TRuMp HaS BlOoD oN HiS HanDs!!!

Remember this next time Cuomo delivers one of his “If we can save one life” responses to New Yorkers desperately begging to leave their homes and go back to work. Because the media won’t remember it.

They’re too busy composing epic poems to his wonderfulness.

For nearly two months the subways were not getting daily cleanings. How screwed up is that?! For crying out loud, it wasn’t until two weeks ago that Cuomo required subway passengers to wear masks.

Honestly, I don’t know what reality the news media is living in, but Andrew Cuomo is not the hero of this story.

All the fawning praise and preening press conferences don’t change the fact that, from the nursing homes to the subways, Cuomo has bungled his response in deadly, catastrophic ways.