Sunday, May 17, 2020

McCarthy Discusses When Flynn Was NOT Unmasked and The Missing Pientka 302

Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy has an article written today pointing to the primary issue about former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn: “The Real Story is When Flynn Was Not Unmasked” – READ HERE.

McCarthy has reviewed the documents; looked at the research; reviewed what the IG said was not happening; and came to the same conclusion as CTH.  The Obama surveillance of Flynn did not include ‘unmasking’ because the collection was not incidental.

McCarthy points the media’s incurious compass needle toward the CIA, but don’t expect any DC media to follow it.  The truth is adverse to MSM interests.  There’s only one way for the Flynn-Kislyak call and content to be tracked, captured, discussed and shared by the Obama administration without the unmasking between 12/29/16 and 01/04/17.  A reverse targeted intercept on Flynn through Kislyak.  [CIA/NSA]  Read McCarthy Column Here

The previous administration, and their resistance defenders in the current administration embedded within the DOJ and FBI, are desperate to avoid any admission that incoming NSA Michael Flynn was under surveillance.  As soon as they can no longer hide the surveillance story, the shift to question the predicate of the Mueller investigation starts.

President Obama’ entire team (staff, officials, politicians); along with Republican allies like Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell et al; along with DOJ, FBI and IC preservationists like Bill Barr, Chris Wray et al; along with the entire DC media apparatus do not want to admit the Trump administration was under surveillance by the Obama administration. However, they can’t hide it because it happened.

On the Flynn 302 (the research evidence and documents are clear):
• The 302 was written by Joe Pientka on January 24, 2017.
• The 302 was edited by Peter Strzok prior to Feb 10, 2017.
• The 302 was re-edited by Lisa Page on Feb 10, 2017.
• Michael Flynn was fired on Feb 13, 2017.
• The 302 was discussed again on Feb 14, 2017.
• Andrew McCabe approved the edits on Feb 14, 2017.
• The 302 was officially finalized on Feb 15, 2017.