Thursday, May 21, 2020

Judge Sullivan claims he needs to investigate Gen Flynn for potential "perjury"

Judge Sullivan claims he needs to investigate Gen Flynn for potential "perjury", because he pled guilty in his courtroom, twice, yet now says he's innocent.

Except Sullivan's known that for months & didn't do anything — until DOJ tried to withdraw a false statement charge.

Here's a sworn declaration under "penalty of perjury" submitted by General Flynn to Judge Sullivan on Jan 29, 2020

Flynn says he was never guilty, apologizes for pleading guilty to Sullivan, and declares he is 100% innocent and always has been...

...nearly *4 months* ago 
"Regretfully, I followed my lawyers' strong advice to confirm my [guilty] plea even though it was all I could do not to cry out "no" when this Court [Sullivan] asked me if I was guilty"

Is this perjury?👆🏻 
"I express my profound apology to this truth, I never lied...I allowed myself to succumb to the threats from the government to save my family"

Is this perjury?👆🏻 
"I will not confirm a plea of guilty I should never have God is my witness, the truth is I am innocent of these charges"

Is this perjury?👆🏻 
If Flynn really committed "perjury", the most egregious example would be right here.

This sworn statement was submitted in writing, with the benefit of Counsel, under penalty of perjury in God's name.

(It's not merely verbal statements in an unexpected plea colloquy either)
Judge Sullivan had Flynn's "innocence" statement filed in his court *nearly 4 months ago* - at the end of January 2020. He's done nothing about it (and the media largely ignored it too)

I thought he cared about "perjury"? Is this not perjury, if he thinks Flynn is really guilty?
The *only* thing that has changed since this sworn statement was filed in Jan, is that the DOJ has sought to drop the false statements charge.

But by Sullivan's own "perjury" theory, even if DOJ was still prosecuting Flynn he should be wanting him held accountable for perjury too.

Of course what's really going on here is that Sullivan appears to want Flynn banged up with a criminal conviction, and doesn't really care how it happens. While there was a chance DOJ would do it, he didn't care about perjury. Now there isn't, he does care. Sorry, that's biased.

That's not how any of this is supposed to work & someone ought to ask Sullivan to explain how he can ignore so-called "perjury" for months, and resurrect it when its convenient. Same goes for his "handpicked" retired Judge Gleeson too, who has pre-judged this case anyway