Monday, May 18, 2020

Joe’s Kid-Touching is a Sore Spot for the Media

If the hope was to tamp down talk about Joe’s creepy, inappropriate behavior with little girls, congratulations media. You just shone a bright spotlight on it.

More than UkraineGate, more than Tara Reade, more than his demenia – the one issue about Joe Biden that has the news media scrambling is his well-earned reputation for kid-touching.

I guess that makes sense.  Kid-touching is the kinda skank that don’t wash off.

All it took for the media to fly into full-on panic was Donald Trump Jr. sharing a meme on Instagram mocking Joe’s pervy behavior with little girls.

The New York Times wrote about it, and an outraged Jake Tapper tweeted a breathless, pearl-clutching thread.

Here’s the meme Don Junior shared on Instagram (which the NYT writer dutifully tweeted out, the moron):

Okay, that made me laugh.

If I’m not mistaken, that meme has been around for a while.

Consider how quickly the news media landed on this meme from Don Junior compared to how long it took them to address Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegation.

You’d think Biden being accused of digital rape would have required an all-hands-on-deck rapid response the same way an Instagram meme has.

Odd how the thing that sets their teeth on edge isn’t sexual assault,
but mocking Joe Biden’s reputation for kid-touching.

Or maybe it isn’t so odd.

Getting handsy with little girls is inexcusable. And it isn’t as if they can smear and attack the children with hit-pieces in Politico like they did for Tara Reade.

The funny thing here is how the media acts as if Don Junior’s meme came out of nowhere — as if there isn’t ample video and photographic evidence of Joe’s inappropriate, pervy behavior with children.

But everybody in the media, not to mention the Democrat Party, won’t touch Joe’s kid-touching with a ten-foot finger.

When Joe made his mea culpa “social norms have changed” video back in April of 2019, the only thing he addressed was his overly-affectionate behavior toward adult women.

As I wrote at the time:

It doesn’t escape my notice that Joe downplays the fact that little children have been his primary target.

“I’ve heard what these women are saying?”

Like I said Monday, it’s not the way he acts with adult women that bothers the hell out of me. It’s the fact that he acts just as pervy with children.

No adult man should be pawing at a child. What Joe considers “empathy” and “making a connection” is and has always been contrary to social norms.

If gropey, pervy Joe was really as empathetic as he perceives himself to be, he would never think it’s okay to fondle little children.

We’ve all watched the video clips [you can see PJW’s video HERE].

Those little girls look trapped and uncomfortable.

And someone who is truly empathetic would have sensed their discomfort and kept his distance. But not Joe “making a connection” Biden.

He just plows ahead – forcing little girls to endure his groping, wandering hands while he tries to plant a kiss on their retreating cheeks.

This has nothing to do with social norms changing.

What a vile and silly excuse for decades of inappropriate behavior.

And even after Joe’s mea culpa video, he continued to get far too handsy with little girls — as I wrote about HERE and HERE.

A year ago, after one kid-grabbing incident, sundance
from the Conservative Treehouse tweeted this comment:

Biden’s behavior with little girls is compulsive…. he does not cognitively think about what he’s doing. The creep factor, the fondling, touching etc, is subconscious and habitual self-gratification.

After a life of doing it, he won’t stop without constant 24/7 instruction.

This is why they’re setting their hair on fire over a friggin’ Instagram meme.  Nobody with any common sense can look at those pictures and videos of Joe’s kid-touching and think, “Now, this is totally normal!” What’s worse, the media, like the rest of us, know that Joe Biden will never stop doing this.

Scandals they can ignore or label “conspiracy theories.”

They can dispatch Tara Reade by destroying her
the way Hillary destroyed Bill’s “bimbos.”

But chronic kid-touching caught on video?

That’s much harder to excuse or explain away.

But in their effort to attack Don Junior, the media has inadvertently called even more attention to the very thing they want to pretend doesn’t exist.

It’s the Streisand Effect.  The louder you complain, the more attention you bring to the very thing you want to hide.

And the kid-touching videos are getting a lot more play right now thanks to the news media complaining so loudly about Don Junior sharing a meme.

So if the hope was to tamp down talk about Joe’s creepy, inappropriate behavior with little girls, congratulations media.

You just shone an even brighter spotlight on it.