Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jim Jordan Blasts FBI Director Chris Wray in Letter Demanding Answers and Interviews With Bill Priestap and Joe Pientka

Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee, Jim Jordan, sends a scathing letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray questioning why the evidence of gross political corruption within his institution has to come from judicial documents in the Flynn case rather than honest production of material from the FBI.

Within the letter Mr. Jordan implicates Director Wray in an institutional effort to hide prior abuses in order to keep the American public blind to the corruption within it.  Given recent comments by President Trump about Director Wray, Jordan appears to be in-line with POTUS:
[…] “We write to request that you immediately review the actions of the FBI in targeting LTG Flynn. The American people continue to learn troubling details about the politicization and misconduct at the highest levels of the FBI during the Obama-Biden Administration.
Even more concerning, we continue to learn these new details from litigation and investigations—not from you. It is well past time that you show the leadership necessary to bring the FBI past the abuses of the Obama-Biden era.”
“Please facilitate making former FBI Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap and FBI Agent Joe Pientka available for transcribed interviews about their actions related to LTG Flynn.”

Here’s the full six page letter:

With this specifically pointed focus, things are getting interesting.

Here’s a reminder of President Trump’s most recent statements on Director Wray.  This was the day after the IG report which outlined the FISA abuse, and FBI Director Chris Wray downplayed the findings…