Monday, May 4, 2020

In all of the Declassifications, what's the one thing we haven't seen?

The most concerning thing about Crossfire Hurricane and Mueller isn’t anything that we’ve seen in any of these previously hidden documents.

It’s what we *haven’t* seen that’s the problem.

We’ve now got a lot of material from Crossfire Hurricane and Mueller’s operation.

A lovers’ quarrel, classified codenames, confidential emails, vulgarity, biased texts, internal debates about FBI/DOJ strategy, media leaking and more.

But there is one thing we haven’t seen in any text, any Lync chat, any email, any document, any interview, any Congressional testimony or any report.

Not in any of the thousands upon thousands of files released.

*The words “civil rights” and any concern for them* 👈

Even the so-called “boy scout” with a conscience and head of FBI counterintelligence Bill Priestap seems like he was only concerned about setting up 30-year combat vet Flynn because “playing games” might make the “institution” of the FBI look bad & result in political blowback

Where are the notes of FBI agents or DOJ officials saying, “gee, setting up a pretext to interview someone as part of an investigation we know is bogus might violate this persons civil rights. It might harm their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness even. Let’s rethink this”

Where are the texts worrying about whether it is moral to try to get someone fired from the pinnacle of their career, a job as NSA in the White House, bringing their life crashing down around their ears?

Why don’t Comey’s memos about Trump asking if he can “let Flynn go” mention that the *Comey’s own FBI field office* wanted to let Flynn go a month earlier, because they had *nothing*, zero on him? Even after the plan Comey set in motion got Flynn fired in disgrace? Slip his mind?

Why is nobody writing a memo to themselves asking if they’re really doing things “by the book” when they keep sending in a spy they must know is lying to them, that they know is pals with “former” Russian intelligence chiefs, who keeps coming up empty, only with exculpatory info?

Why are there no minutes of any meeting between Comey’s crew debating whether it’s a good idea to flip a friend of George Papadopoulos, turning someone he trusted into a weapon wearing a wire against him, then suppressing that the one thing they got was yet more exculpatory info?

And when the “lead FBI attorney” on Crossfire Hurricane finds out that his prime target @carterwpage is a patriot assisting the CIA, rather than a traitor helping the Russians, why is there no email CC’d to everyone saying that, but a doctored, fraudulent one saying the opposite?

“Wow this guy was actually assisting our friends in the agency for years? He served in the military? Okay he’s got some unusual views on Russia but should I really lie to a court so I can spy on this guy, smear him in the press, destroy his business & try to throw him in prison?”

Nobody is writing that email, putting down those thoughts in notes, confiding to a close friend, sending an anguished text, worrying about what they could do to these people. Because they didn’t see them as people. Just targets to be destroyed.

But the FBI’s job isn’t to destroy people, or get them fired. It’s to investigate real crimes and protect the country. How does it “protect” the country to destabilize the presidency with a Collusion lie and deprive the intelligence community of Flynn’s renowned expertise?

Bear in mind as you read this that Comey’s crew & all the people who worked on Mueller’s team, and all of the media people who helped them are unrepentant. They don’t care.

It hurts Orange Man, so it’s all justified. They’ll destroy anyone or anything, as long as it destroys him.

Maybe Chris Wray can put some of this down in a memo and send it out on a training course. I’m sure that’ll fix this.

It’s no wonder that US Attorney John Durham is reportedly concerned that no whistleblowers have come forward.

It’s because they don’t think there is anything to blow the whistle on.

They’re all involved. Act accordingly.