Sunday, May 3, 2020

“I know Joe” isn’t exactly a convincing defense

Democrat women want us to believe that 
their saying “I know Joe” absolves him. 
Truth is, I know Joe too. 
And that’s kind of the problem.

Pervy, creepy Dirty Digit Joe Biden’s defenders keep hoping to shut down all further inquiry by simply saying “I know Joe” – as if “I know Joe” is some kind of valid defense against Tara Reade’s claim of sexual assault.

In her thirsty quest to be named his running mate, Stacey Abrams told Don Lemon, “I know Joe Biden and I think he’s telling the truth and this did not happen.”

Kamala Harris – who back in April of 2019 said she believed Biden’s accusers – said “The Joe Biden I know is somebody who really has fought hard for women and empowerment of women and for women’s equality and rights.”

Alyssa Milano, in her op-ed at Deadline wrote, “The allegations against Joe Biden concern me, deeply. He’s a man I know, respect, and admire, and who I can’t picture doing any of the things of which he’s accused.”

You can’t picture it?  Really?

Listen, gals.  Joe Biden has been in the public eye since I was a child. “I know Joe” too — which is why Tara Reade’s allegation has a ring of truth to me.

“I know Joe” has the persistent habit of getting too physically familiar with not just women, but children.

You can’t picture it, Alyssa?  How have you missed all those videos?  The guy can’t keep his hands to himself.  In fact, Paul Joseph Watson was kind enough to compile all of Creepy Joe’s creepiness in one video (which I helpfully posted HERE).  And that doesn’t even include all the video evidence since Watson’s compilation is three years old and there’s been plenty more examples since then.

Back in 2015, when Joe Biden became the Obama Administration’s good will ambassador for the “It’s On Us” initiative, I thought it was the most hilarious thing I’d ever heard because, well, “I know Joe.”

Sure, Joe talks a good game.  He gets all earnest and sincere talking about the trauma of sexual harassment and rape.  But he’s Joe friggin’ Biden.  His words do not align with his actions.

It’s exactly because “I know Joe” that when his campaign unveiled its logo, I provided this helpful upgrade.