Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Good news! We can mock fat people again!

Now that the Left is okay with mocking fatties, 
the gloves are off my friends.

The best thing about the Left is their inability to play by the rules they demand we play by.  According to them, we’re not supposed to mock fat people because that’s fat-shamingTM.

But when they’re given the opportunity to mock fat people, they just can’t help themselves.

Why is this the best thing about the Left?

Because folks are starting to wise up to the fact that the Left can’t live by its own silly rules.

“Believe Women?”


“Mocking fat people is fat-shaming?”

Not when they do it.

Now, to be fair, I’ve never let Leftists’ dumb rules stop me from mocking “Believe Women” or mocking fat people. (Or mocking Obama, or Michelle, or any of the other sacred cows the Left deems off limits.)

When you really don’t care what these insufferable scolds say, life is so much more enjoyable.

But I want to thank Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the clowns on the Left for making it official. It is now totally okay to mock fat people without having to pay any attention to the Left’s butt-hurt mewling.

See, Nancy went onto CNN last night to criticize President Trump taking hydroxychloroquine (yeah, they’re still banging on about hydroxychloroquine).  Her reason for criticizing him?  Trump is “morbidly obese.”

Naturally the Left is celebrating Nancy for calling the President a fatty.

#MorbidlyObeseTrump is trending on Twitter because they really didn’t mean that whole thing about fat shaming and if you really thought they did, now’s a great time to realize the Left is full of crap.

Yes, mocking fat people can be hilarious.

That’s why I gave Stacey Abrams the superhero name “Eclipse.”

In fact, I’m rooting for a Biden/Abrams ticket just because she is such a target-rich Photoshopping subject for me.

Already, I’ve ‘shopped her as Rerun from “What’s Happening” and the Female Al Sharpton.

Now that I know it’s okay to mock fat people again, I’m gonna put the pedal to the metal and have loads of fun mocking wide-load Stacey.

Sure, the same people giggling with delight over Pelosi’s comment won’t like it.  They’ll get huffy and well-I-nevery over my mocking Stacey Abrams’ ample frame.

But, see, that’s what makes it all the more fun.  We on the right can wield mockery well.  The Left cannot.

Remember the very first question posed to Donald Trump at the very first debate in 2015?

What made that hilarious was Rosie O’Donnell is a fat pig and a slob.  Trump’s humorous insults work because there is a ring of truth in them.  Plus, he is a master at brevity.

This is something the Left is incapable of.

Their mockery of President Trump’s weight will have zero staying power.  A week from now, it’ll be forgotten.

But we still call Jeb Bush “Low Energy Jeb.”

We still call Marco Rubio “Little Marco.”

And we still call Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy.”

I think the Left will come to regret stepping into this arena because when it comes to mockery, Trump is the heavyweight champion of the world.

And the Left is the 98-pound weakling he body-slams without even breaking a sweat.