Thursday, May 21, 2020

Forced Quarantine Camps ... More Marxism from the Left

Written order shows state falsely claiming 'isolation camps' are 'voluntary'

By WND News Services
Published May 20, 2020 at 8:37pm

A Washington state lawmaker is alerting citizens to "isolation camps" set up in his state and others to house people who become infected with COVID-19, warning that contrary to the conventional narrative, they are not voluntary.

State Republican Rep. Matt Shea of the Spokane area in eastern Washington, explained in a video interview with The New American magazine that the camps are part of Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee's policy of contract tracing, which has been implemented by many states.

He explained that the tracers visit people who may have been infected and advise them they can isolate at a center to protect other members of their household.

While the infected person may be asked to volunteer, the government makes it clear that people can be forcibly quarantined, Shea pointed out.

Read the rest: HERE

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