Saturday, May 23, 2020

Foot-in-Mouth Biden strikes again

Oh to be a fly on the wall at Biden Campaign Headquarters yesterday morning.

Good grief, things are not going well for old Joe Foot-in-Mouth Biden.
I almost pity his campaign people.

Imagine trying to wrangle a candidate who can’t get through an interview without jamming his foot so far down his mouth that his famously hairy legs tickle his kidneys.

Check out this clip of Foot-in-Mouth Biden appearing on the Breakfast Club:

Bit of trivia.  It was during an appearance on the Breakfast Club that Hillary Clinton told the world she keeps hot sauce in her purse.

Here I thought I was making a joke when, back in March, I did a Photoshop of Joe angrily declaring “You blacks belong to me!” I should know by now that any outlandish thing I have coming out of Foot-in-Mouth Biden’s mouth will pale in comparison to the outlandish things he’ll actually say.

I thought when old Foot-in-Mouth Biden said of Mitt Romney, “He’s gonna put y’all back in chains” he had plumbed the lowest depths.

How was I to know there’s a whole sub-basement of depths Joe is willing to plumb?

And naturally he uses the word “ain’t” because, you know, if you don’t use the word “ain’t,” you ain’t black … or something.

Can you imagine how his campaign people are feeling right now? Symone Sanders is probably getting Joe fitted for a ball-gag as I type this.

Though now I understand why someone wrote an article a while back saying Joe’s best chance of winning is to hide away in his basement and keep his mouth shut.

[I’d link to it, but I can’t remember where I saw it. If you have the link, post it in the comments, and I’ll add it here.]

The greatest threat to Foot-in-Mouth Biden is, well, Joe Biden.

I’m thinking even he understands that:

Yes, Joe.  You will beat Joe Biden.

Trump won’t have to lift a finger.  All his campaign has to do
is let old Foot-in-Mouth Biden speak for himself.