Sunday, May 17, 2020

Covid Madness Continues – Massachusetts Paints Instructional Arrows on Sidewalks

Comrades, do not questions the purposes of the COVID Compliance Ministry.  We are evolving to a safer society, where madness replaces common sense.

Considering leadership within the big blue version of the ‘new normal’ promised that all changes to society will be driven by science, the COVID-19 virus variant in Massachusetts must be targeting people based on their direction of travel.  In order to keep people safe the police are painting fluorescent arrows on the sidewalk to inform the public which way to walk in order to avoid being attacked by the virus.  WATCH:

It’s not as much tyranny as nuttery.  If you face the right direction but walk backwards are you designated a rebellious scofflaw subject to municipal fines and police detention?

But seriously, despite my incapacity to keep a straight face, somewhere amid the town governance someone had to sit and scratch their puzzler to come up with this insanely stupid plan as a way to mitigate the virus… and then convinced others to do it.  Obviously these are the same people who wore genitalia on their heads to resist Donald Trump.