Saturday, April 25, 2020

Why the heck are we using Chinese Drones?!

Chinese-made drones are loaned to local governments to aid in monitoring citizens during Wuhan Panic lockdowns. 
Who thought this was a good idea?

Say, you know what’s probably a monumentally stupid idea?  Cities using Chinese drones to monitor people’s compliance with draconian lockdown orders.

Just how naïve are these people?

“We need to make sure our citizens are obeying our orders. I know! Let’s use these Chinese drones to spy on them!  After all, China is loaning them to us for free!”

Who thinks this way?

This is one of those times that calls for looking a gift horse in the mouth, guys.

Beware ChiComs bearing gifts that enable them to spy on US citizens.

You know, that would make an excellent fortune cookie message.

Why the heck are we using Chinese Drones?!

From the Epoch Times:

The world’s largest consumer drone manufacturer, DJI, sent 100 of its drones to police, fire, and public safety organizations in 22 states, ostensibly to help in the battle against the spread of the CCP virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.

The move may be just one more act of goodwill amid an outpouring of support from the U.S. private sector, but DJI is a Chinese company that has already been flagged for making devices suspected of sending critical infrastructure and law enforcement data to the communist regime. [bold emphasis Dianny’s]

The Army, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Interior have taken all steps to warn against or outright ban the use of DJI’s drones. Meanwhile, a recent investigative report claims DJI worked directly with the communist regime on questionable projects.

Oh, this is swell.

Good going, guys!

But wait! There’s more!

In addition to those one hundred drones on loan, there are already nearly eleven-hundred
Chinese drones in service throughout the US.

Here’s a helpful suggestion: Don’t use Chinese drones!

You’d think that would go without saying.

Then again, local and state governments wasted no time embracing their inner authoritarians with these shutdowns.  So I guess we shouldn’t be stunned that they would do something so blisteringly stupid.