Monday, April 27, 2020

What to Do About China And Its American Lackeys

 What to Do About China And Its American Lackeys

Article by Kurt Schlichter in "Townhall":

America’s China problem is a two-part problem – one part is dealing with those pangolin-kebabing commie bastards and the other is dealing with their fellow travelers among our garbage globalist elite here at home. But the Chinese coronavirus – aptly named the “Chinese coronavirus” because this pandemic is the result of either Chinese incompetence and/or bizarre bat soup gulping, plus a lot of standard ChiCom deception – has at least made clear that we better deal with them before they deal with us. It’s a wake-up call we better heed by getting woke.

Red China must be dealt with as what it is – an enemy. If the country’s Maoist mullahs had decided that they wanted China to spin-up into a first world power and responsibly assume a place at the world’s head-table by trading fairly, respecting human rights, not stealing our inventions, and not sending weird bugs across the globe, cool. But Red China wants to dominate the world.

It can’t and won’t do it militarily, at least outside its immediate geographic zone of control. Inside that zone, it wants to be the big bully on the block and it is only a matter of time before it decides to flex its muscles against Taiwan, then Vietnam, then Japan, and sometime in the not too distant future, against us. The fact is that China is building up combat power designed to take on the U.S., to defeat our strengths (like by building hypersonic missile systems to take out our carriers), to steal our tech (weird how all their jets look just like ours), and to dominate in space and cyber. Still, this is a naval conflict primarily, and we still have some advantages, including good ships (but not enough) and a longer, stronger naval tradition. You can’t just build massive, integrated blue water fleets and suddenly be able to employ them effectively. We have been doing that for a century, but let’s not get cocky. Our naval traditions today may not be the “rum, sodomy and the lash” that still built a winning Royal Navy, but they are hardly those of ruthless competence either. Our ships run into other ships too often, and there’s way too much “social justice” and not enough “warrior” in the mix. The indiscipline of the captain of the Roosevelt was appalling and if the bozos with stars give him back his gig cuz the Twitter blue checks whined, that’s worse. Virtue signaling one’s feelz isn’t going to win wars. 

But even if our naval traditions were up to snuff, we can’t rely on them to counter the Chinese quantitative advantage and growing competence and confidence. Remember, the Japanese Imperial Navy the Westerners pooh-poohed wiped out the Russian fleet at Tsushima in 1905. Sadly, I would not be surprised to see an initial battle with Xi the Pooh’s sailors end up in a “shocking” victory for the ChiComs that should not shock anyone paying attention.

But the Chinese main effort is not military. It is economic, supported with information operations and diplomatic initiatives. The massive, pervasive theft of our intellectual property has saved China trillions. The unfair trade deals we still accept have destroyed our manufacturing capability. And the ChiComs are aided and abetted by the globalist Fifth Columnists here at home who have been bought off by the opportunity to get rich selling us out to the Reds. Far too many people at the heights of power in our country, including but not limited to Grandpa Badfinger’s stoner son Hoover, are getting rich doing China’s bidding. If you point out that we are educating a generation of Chinese students and inviting in “scholars” and “workers” who are active agents of Chinese intelligence and who are stealing us blind, our garbage elite will provide cover against the necessary steps to stop this looting by labeling it as “racist.” China is using our idiotic political correctness fixation as a propaganda weapon, and diplomatically it is going to the rest of the world and inviting them to sign up with the winning team.

What do we do?

We need a massive build-up of conventional military power at sea, in the air, in space, both outer and cyber. And we need to return to having a serious military that focuses on killing our enemies and not on pronoun policing and stress card sissification. Without both, our first day of war with China – which our fecklessness makes certain to come – will make Pearl Harbor look like a group hug.

We need to take this moment to understand that Red China is a hostile power seeking to defeat us economically. We need to aggressively repatriate critical industries home from China. We need our own drug industry back, our own rare-earth mining capacity, our own steel sector. We need to waive the frivolous regulatory nonsense that made China attractive to businesses in the first place. If the EPA keeps us from mining rare earth elements, it’s the EPA that needs to go, not our capacity to obtain these critical resources. 

We need to do what China does without hesitation: bar Chinese companies or Chinese-controlled companies from participating in critical infrastructure like 5G.

We also need to stop pretending China is a developing nation and demand it fund all international organizations at America’s level. That it owns the WHO, yet pays a fraction of what we do is ridiculous. In too many ways – including in the idiotic climate hoax arena – China gets an edge by pretending it is not a First World nation and getting breaks we do not.

We need to clamp down on espionage, both strategic and economic. We need to openly tell the truth: China targets the Chinese diaspora to use as spies. That’s not racist. That’s a fact. But let’s not let the traitors who are not of Chinese descent off the hook. There are too many people who will sell out their country for a few renminbi. We need to get the FBI out of domestic politics and massively focused on uprooting these foreign agents. All spies should be subject to lengthy prison sentences. This nonsense about just a year or two in jail needs to end. And we need to clear out academia of Chinese nationals, both students and faculty. Why are we training our enemy? Plus, we must ruthlessly expose just who China has bought in our universities, the corporations, and the media.

China is largely to blame for the Wuhan Flu pandemic, but the idea of suing it for compensation is as useless as it is politically attractive. Here’s the way to kill two bats with one stone: impose a penalty tariff on all Chinese goods to create a huge pot of money to compensate the victims of ChiCom lies as well as give our industries a chance to recover.

Most of all, we need to get serious about this conflict, and it is a conflict. We tend to see other people from our own perspective. We are reasonable, fair, and just. But communists are none of those things. These red bastards exploit the patriotism of the Chinese people – who have every right to seek prosperity and freedom – to consolidate power and turn the spotlight off their own manifest failures and tyrannies. We need to get woke, as the hep kids say, woke to the fact that the Mao pals are bad people and we better understand that before one morning we wake up with their boot on our neck forever.