Monday, April 20, 2020

The Left Fail to Learn the Lessons that the Wuhan Pandemic is Teaching

CNN Journalist Cries Under the Strain of His Pathetically Soft Wokeness

As a nation the Wuhan Virus has framed a re-evaluation of priority: faith, family, community and freedom.   Seeing totalitarian Blue state governors so easy dispatch liberty and individual rights reminds us to rekindle the flickering flame of freedom.

Modern journalists, no more essential to life than scripted narrative engineers dancing as puppets on strings in boxes, are inconsequential. The true American story is not built upon celebrity; but rather grit, callouses and dirty fingernails.  Farmers, truck drivers, stock clerks and supermarket cashiers are essential; …dancing puppets, not so much.

Facing this reality a generation of pathetically soft and feeble sorts; lemmings from the spine-harvesting indoctrination machines that turn bone into jelly-fish membrane; collapse as they recognize just how pathetic they are.  Inconsequential gnats carrying a life-skill as useful as sand in the Sahara.

Desperate and yearning for someone, anyone, to reaffirm their importance, the miserable and pitiful harbingers of irrelevance cry out in a desperate quest for meaning. Please forgive my frank and direct response, but apparently someone needs to call the baby ugly.

Good grief man, cowboy-the-f*ck-up.  You are not being tossed a pack of Lucky Strikes and told to storm the beaches of Normandy.  You have to wash your hands, stop touching your face and sit on your ass while keeping distant from the check-out-girl.  This ain’t hard.

That said, Stelter’s “journalism” has evolved into back-slapping pundits reveling in process; and as a consequence it completely ignores the end point, misses the bottom line, doesn’t actually SEE the subject matter, never actually learns what might be discovered.

Here’s a tip to Stelter:  Cry more. The reality of your misery is worse than you can even imagine.  Your enterprise is not only irrelevant, but your self-indulgent cries for affirmation are meaningless. Every fiber of your woeful existence is inadequate in an era when grit, fortitude, perseverance & strength are the greatest human commodity.

Cry more.  What you provide is useless. Your professional existence has no merit.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, any average hard-working American is worth more today than all those who chase the golden statues of Hollywood; and ultimately if they want to go down the superiority path, what they provide is useless.
  • Florida Power and Light won the prestigious International Edward Demming award for excellence in multi-platform engineering and efficiency superiority. They didn’t blow every PhD intellectual out of the water with slide rules, CAD programs and engineering acumen. They did it with hard hats and dirty fingernails.
Because they lost the award, the Japanese spent 6 months studying FPL and later published a 1,000 page dissertation essentially saying FPL “wasn’t really good, they were just lucky”….. FPL field leadership laughed, took out markers and wrote on the back of their hard hats: WE’RE NOT GOOD, WE’RE RUCKY….
  • When every single Kuwaiti oil field was blown up by Saddam Hussein, they said it would take over five years to cap them all off and restart their oil pumping industry. The Kuwaitis and Saudis called Texans, who had them all capped and back in working order in ten months.
We are a nation that knows how to get shit done.
  • When the Northern Chile mine workers were trapped two miles underground, they said no-one could save them. Who did they call for help? A bunch of hick miners from USA coal country who went down there, worked on the fly, engineered the rescue equipment on site, and saved every one of them….
That’s our America.

Don’t lose sight of it.
  • When a half-breed Islamic whack job, armed with an AK-47 and a goal to meet his virgins, begins opening fire on a train in France, the Americans on board didn’t run to the nearest safe room and hide themselves amid baguettes and brie. They said “let’s go”, and beat the stuffing out of that little nut with a death wish.
Legion d’Honneur or not, that’s us.  That’s you.

That’s just how we roll.

Lady Liberty can stroll along the Champs-Elysées with a swagger befitting Mae West because without her arrival they’d be speaking German in the Louvre.  Yet for the better part of the past several decades groups of intellectual something-or-others have been selling an insufferable narrative about it being better sitting around a campfire eating sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off each other.


In case you missed it, it wasn’t FEMA driving jacked-up monster trucks into the flooded neighborhoods around Houston Texas to rescue people from their homes; it was a bunch of glorious rednecks assembled like the second division of the Cajun Navy… which also just happens to be a fabulous bunch of shallow water boat operators who convoy their gear voluntarily into the aftermath of hurricanes and floods.

That’s America folks; in all her magnificent colorblind glory.

Git-r’-done ain’t government.

Live your best life.

You only have this moment once; and that moment is right now.

We are not going gently into the bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from this day forward will be forced to note, even if the Brian Stelters despise us in their writing of it.

Carry on…