Thursday, April 16, 2020

The “Invisible Enemy” is Communism, not Coronavirus

China's Coronavirus Coverup -- Devastating Lies | National Review
Article by John White in "RedState":

President Donald Trump is fond of referring to the coronavirus as an “invisible enemy”, which is correct, however it is the direct result of a much greater and longer-enduring evil that the civilized world has of yet failed to confront: the Chinese Communist Party.

Let me be clear-the Chinese people are not the issue. Many brave Chinese citizens have given their lives so that the world would know about the atrocities committed by their government. The rest of the lower and middle classes likely oppose their government but live in terror of doing anything about it.

We know for a fact that the novel Coronavirus/SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 originated in China’s Wuhan province. Despite flailing and bizarre attempts to shift the blame to the U.S. Military, China’s government and its puppet, WHO President Tedros Ghebreyesus, have admitted as much.

Even the mainstream media here in the U.S., who wants nothing more than to pin the entire failed response on President Trump, has effectively conceded that China covered up what it knew about human transmission of the virus in January, and has continued covering up total case numbers even to this day. Best estimates now indicate that there were at least 1 million cases in China, with at least 50,000 deaths, a far cry from the 80,000 and 3,300 China continues to officially report.

At the very least, Chinese officials have been caught red-handed covering up a naturally occurring novel virus, costing the rest of the world a month in response time and a chance at stopping the virus permanently. This will cause tens of thousands of deaths in the U.S. and Europe (to say nothing of their own people who were also kept in the dark until it was too late), as well as trillions of dollars in lost productivity. In a page out of Iran’s anti-American playbook, Chinese officials also threatened via Twitter to withhold valuable medical supplies to the U.S., as they control a large proportion of worldwide medication and medical supply manufacturing.
New evidence yesterday revealed that U.S. diplomats were aware of research into bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab as early as 2018. These diplomats toured the facility and were so concerned about the lax safety protocols that they wrote a cable back to their supervisor pleading for intervention from American authorities. Today, we’re learning even more about this Chinese “research” facility, which was apparently attempting to one-up western labs by researching the newly discovered coronavirus. Evidence indicates that the virus we are currently dealing with escaped from this same Chinese lab into the population, likely through a researcher getting infected and then passing it on to others (initial speculation focused on the potential of someone consuming an animal used in the lab for meat).

Even though there is no evidence of an intentional release (yet), this disaster shows that the culture of secrecy, poverty, and fear that the CCP has fomented is a problem that the civilized world must deal with as soon as possible. There’s a reason that Western organizations have carried out biological research for decades without an incident like this: our society is open, meaning that an accidental release would be dealt with before disastrous consequences occur, and the person responsible wouldn’t be “disappeared” by the government after they’d tried to cover it up in fear of their life (infecting others in the process), and second of all, we don’t make a habit of creating such abject poverty that people need to eat leftover vermin from a trash can outside a biological lab.

So what can we do about the communist problem?

First, we need to get back to work as soon as possible in order to bring our economy close to full strength. While the Wuhan virus isn’t on a timeline, it’s clear at this point that we can’t just hide in our houses for years waiting on a vaccine. Governments at the federal, state and local level need to stop using the “shutdown” as a crutch and make hard decisions about how much risk we are willing to accept and how prepared we are for an outbreak in various areas of the country. This means that we need to improve our analytical capability (i.e. results of serological population studies to determine the true fatality rate and proliferation, results of chloroquine treatment trials) as well as our treatment capability (hospital bed capacity, pill stockpile, ventilator and N95 mask manufacturing). Rapid diagnostic testing and contact tracing are extremely important, and it seems that progress has been made on these efforts. Four weeks into this shutdown, governments at each level should be well prepared to continue these efforts after the economy is reopened.

Once the economy gets moving again, we need to bring our manufacturing base back to the United States as immediately as feasible (particularly medical, heavy infrastructure, and telecommunications). With the advent of widespread automation, combined with the significant productivity edge the ingenuity of the American workforce brings, as well as decreased shipping costs, we can be competitive on operating costs with anyone in the world. The main hurdle to repatriation is the capital required to abandon Chinese facilities which companies built en masse in the past few decades and rebuild in the U.S. Compared to the money we’ve spent on “stimulating” the economy this month, the amount required to nudge companies to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. would seem reasonable, and would at least have the redeeming value of bringing more long-term gain and stability than a bailout for cruise ship companies does. While conservatives typically tend to favor a free market, China’s actions during this crisis have elevated them to the same level as Iran as an adversary and threat to the civilized world. We should treat them as persona non grata by refraining from doing any business with any China or CCP/Chinese-affiliated company or person at all, for any reason, and we should strongly encourage our allies to adopt the same position until there is a change in behavior.

Finally, we need to leverage the middle-class economic prosperity that will be brought about by the domestic manufacturing renaissance contemplated by steps 1 and 2 to bring the evil and corrupt CCP to its knees on the world stage once and for all. This means leveraging our considerable purchasing power to increase trade in nonessential goods with India, Japan, Korea, and other Pacific nations to cement our sphere of influence in that hemisphere, working to create stability in South and Central America through targeted interventions against corruption and criminal organizations, as well as redoubling our commitment to our military alliances with Europe and Israel. We can also avail ourselves of the burgeoning African continent through strategic partnerships on health, nonessential manufacturing, natural resource extraction, and democracy building/diplomacy. At every step of the way, everywhere in the world, it should be our goal to demonstrate global leadership and build our influence-without repeating the previous generation’s mistakes of forfeiting domestic capability as a result.

As we speak, China is still attempting to parlay their fake response to the coronavirus disaster, and their manufacturing productivity achieved on the backs of hundreds of millions of people working for slave wages under horrific conditions, into a global leadership role. Through the “Belt and Road Initiative”, established in 2013, they are spending the trillions of dollars of money that we’ve handed them throughout Europe, the Pacific, and Africa, attempting to cement influence like a mob boss who knows that one day sooner rather than later, the chits will come due to be called in.

Make no mistake-if we fail to act, Xi Jinping and the CCP will trample over any obstacle until they have achieved complete world domination, domination that will come at the expense of the US-led post-World War order that has secured an unprecedented period of peace and prosperity around the world.

In the past, we’ve turned a blind eye to Chinese aggression against our allies in the South China Sea, maltreatment of Hong Kong and Taiwan, currency manipulation, cyberwarfare, theft of intellectual property, torture and murder of dissidents, and influence-peddling closer and closer to North America in the name of cheap consumer products. But the coronavirus crisis is like the CCP poking the sleeping giant (the United States and its allies) with a stick. It’s time for us to wake up, work together, and punch back hard, or our way of life will be on the ropes before we even know what hit us.