Sunday, April 5, 2020

President Trump Sealed the Borders....

credit: Ace of Spades

We asked the former Republican leadership class, as well as the operatives and grifters of Conservative, Inc., to close the borders and take citizenship seriously for thirty years.

They ignored us. They made illegal border crossing de facto legal and they made illegal aliens de facto citizens.

We asked again in 2008. We asked for a wall.

They ignored us again. They offered us instead a "high tech virtual fence."

We had begun to understand that when they made these alleged compromise counter-offers, they were just trying to put us off. 

Like they put off and waylaid the pro-life movement every two or four years, always promising to do something, but always funding Planned Parenthood in the end.

They were hoping that with rhetoric and "high tech virtual fences," we'd be suckered again and let them continue their de facto open borders policies.

We demanded a border in 2012.

Again, they ignored us, and in the official 2012 RNC "post-mortem," the same corporatists and open borders libertarians that dominate the Cash Money Wing of the Republican Party demanded that we embrace amnesty and open borders.

Now we began to understand that the corporatists, paid shills, and corporate-sponsored operatives and "journalists" were not working for us, but instead working for corporatists who wanted open borders.

We were not their clients. Their actual clients were the big-money interests paying them through the front groups Cato, AEI, and CEI. The open borders corporate class were their clients -- we were merely the targets of their bought-and-paid-for advertising campaign.

As they say with "free" internet services: if you're not paying for the product, you are the product. If you're not paying someone for their product, you are the product that they're packaging up and selling.

And so it is with Conservatism, Inc., and the bought-and-paid-for corporate-sponsored allegedly "independent" Conservatism, Inc. "journalists."

You're not their actual clients. You're the suckers they're advertising to, the chumps they're propagandizing to on behalf of their actual clients.

Same thing with National Review.

And even though we were waking up to the hustle, and becoming increasingly impolite in our demands -- still they ignored us.

In 2015-2016, we finally fully realized that our alleged representatives and our "journalists" -- supposedly arguing our agenda to the powers that ran the country -- were actually only interested in arguing the agenda of the powers that control the country to us.

And so we finally declared our independence from them and took a chance on an uncouth businessman and reality tv show host.

This wasn't because we loved Trump.

It's because we had been betrayed, abused, lied to, and sold out by the current leadership, and were willing to take the chance on anyone who was not from this coterie of proven liars and traitors.

I always laugh when I hear the corporate owned-and-operated propagandists of Conservative, Inc. attacking Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity for being mere broadcast pundits, as if attempting to reflect the broad consensus of actual conservative thinking was ignoble, cheap, and "cheating."

Here's the thing: I know who Levin's, Limbaugh's, and Hannity's bosses are. Their bosses are the audience. If they don't please the audience, they lose their shows.

It is true that an audience can be wrong and lead you astray.


Does that mean they have to pander to the audience?

Sure, sometimes. Anyone cultivating an audience does in fact have to attempt to please that audience.

But the thing is: I know who Rush Limbaugh's boss is. I know the biases of its boss. 

He has done full disclosure on who his boss is.

But who are Tim Carney's and Ramesh Ponuru's bosses? No, don't say AEI - AEI takes money from specific corporations and foundations to fund its "fellows."

Who are the people actually funding Tim Carney and Ramesh Ponuru?

Who are they pandering to?

Again, I know who's pulling Rush Limbaugh's and Mark Levin's strings. 

Who's pulling theirs? Who is their actual client? 

Whose favor do they have to curry and cultivate, or else lose their jobs?

Why won't they disclose it?

Now, after four years after we told this class to fuck off, they're still butthurt and assmad about it and wondering why we "crazy unreasonable deplorables" rejected their generous offer to continue being our "thought leaders."

And meanwhile: they're still pushing open borders bullshit.

NO. They would have offered us further "high tech virtual fences" and "sophisticated online monitoring of border area hot spots for epidemics."

And still they wonder -- Why did they reject us?

Bolstered by emergency measures brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Border Patrol agents at the U.S.-Mexico border are able to return illegal crossers at an extremely fast rate.
Aliens who unlawfully cross into the United States are being sent back to Mexico at an average of 96 minutes, according to government officials who spoke with The Washington Post. The rapid return rate is largely thanks to the Trump administration’s emergency order, which was put into place earlier in March.
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, following orders from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), announced on March 20 that the northern and southern borders would be closed to all non-essential traffic to stop the spread of COVID-19, and that nearly anyone caught illegally crossing into the United States would be immediately sent back.
Since that announcement, Department of Homeland Security leaders have reported a roughly 50% decline in illegal border crossings. Wolf and Mark Morgan, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, have publicly confirmed the dramatic fall in illegal crossings in March.
The emergency measures are also allowing Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which oversees Border Patrol, to quickly return those that do choose to illegally cross the southern border.
Per the guidelines, Border Patrol agents are processing foreign nationals from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala “in the field” before they enter a Border Patrol station. Medical exams are reportedly not administered to these aliens, which dramatically shortens processing time, and then they are ultimately rushed back to Mexico.
An agent said the hastened process diminishes the risk of exposure to everyone involved.
"The goal is to minimize the exposure to the alien, agent and our country," a CBP official told WaPo.

Patron Saint of the Conservative, Inc. Grifter Class John McCain Shows How the Hustle Is Done: