Thursday, April 16, 2020

President Trump honors America’s truckers

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:20 PM PT — Thursday, April 16, 2020
President Trump recently thanked America’s truckers for their work in delivering much needed supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. While speaking at the White House this week, the president said truck drivers are the foot soldiers in the war against the coronavirus.
Secretary Elaine Chao also spoke at the event and reaffirmed the Department of Transportation is making sure drivers get the assistance they need as they deliver critical supplies.

The president emphasized America’s 3.5 million truckers keep our economy running. He added they have never wavered or let us down.
“In recent weeks, we’ve done everything in our power that we have to keep our truckers safe, fueled, fed and on the road,” stated President Trump. “We’re also working very strongly on an infrastructure package and if we could get some Democrat support, you’re going to have nice roads again.”
President Trump concluded by saying, “God bless our great truckers and all critical workers during this time of need.”