Friday, April 17, 2020

New York Governor Cuomo Announces Northeastern Directorate Will Remain on Lockdown Through May 15th, Maybe Longer

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced the Northeastern Directorate will keep all citizens within the region on lock-down through May 15, 2020, with a possible extension depending on an agreement within the Blue State alliance members.

Six other governors from within the Northeastern Directorate form the regional alliance.

Northeast states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Delaware have assembled an authoritarian alliance, without legislative approval and without legal precedent, to block any federal efforts to reopen the economy.

The Blue State leaders have determined it is in the best interests of the Northeastern citizenry for individual rights to be suspended under a post-constitutional framework. The government in this region will determine when the advancement of individual rights will be permitted and will set the parameters of permitted civic, social and economic engagement.

All citizens within the Northeastern Directorate are now captive to arbitrary rules on business ownership, property rights, contract terms, movement and assembly.  Under the terms of a regional health emergency, as outlined by the command and control structure, currently citizens within the containment area are quarantined and not permitted to exit their homes, petition government or request redress for grievances.
“I need a coordinated action plan with the other states. So, one month, we’ll continue the close-down policies. What happens after then? I don’t know. We will see what the data shows,” [Comrade] Cuomo said. “I don’t want to project beyond that period.”
[Comrade] Cuomo didn’t specify if all or just some of those states will join in extending statewide quarantines. Delaware already shut down nonessential businesses to May 15, while New Jersey’s order was put in place “until further notice.” New Jersey Gov. [Comrade] Phil Murphy announced shortly after at his daily press conference that the state’s schools would be closed until at least May 15.
“That means it will not be safe to reopen our schools or start sports back up for at least another four weeks,” [comrade] Murphy said. (link)

Relax comrades, the Northeastern Directorate is sensitive to your previous rights as we initiate our new, safer, society. The COVID Compliance Ministry appreciates good citizens who voluntarily participate in the registry. Northeastern Directorate will reward good citizenship status with enhanced social credits allowing access to a safe COVID Compliant Society. A safer society; where the odds will always be in your favor.

A rogue citizen could put a compliant society at risk of infection. They may not just carry biologics they could carry a more alarming virus of wrong-thought against the interests of the state. Rogue citizens could be subversive to the interests of our new society.

During this phase of the economic war residents within the Blue occupied territories will be held captive to the political whims of their regional generals.

The economic freedom and liberty zone will encompass the Red region. The center of the country, mid west, southern region (surrounding the Gulf of Mexico) and south eastern Atlantic region. These areas will be open to commerce and economic freedom.

However, the urban dense populations (Blue pockets within Red zones) will push-back against the efforts of the Red generals in an attempt to retain alignment with their Blue team generals. Depending on the strength of the urban forces there may be roadblocks, sabotage, skirmishes and political violence against the freedom & liberty Red team.

Red captives within the Blue zones will have to be smart and strategic. Big Blue tech will be assisting the totalitarian Blue generals. Direct confrontation against the Blue forces should be avoided, and it will likely be a better strategy to fight stealthily as insurgents.

Any Red team member of the economic freedom alliance, trapped within a Blue region, is warned to evaluate their connection to their electronic devices. Your cell phones could be used as portable transponders expose your movement and your political views.

This is going to be one hell of a battle. A Spring and Summer conflict like we’ve never seen in the history of U.S. politics outside of actual, physical, civil war.

Conduct your affairs accordingly…