Sunday, April 19, 2020

New Jersey Directorate Arrests Subversive Citizen For Organizing Protest Against The State

Comrades, let this serve as a warning to like-minded subversives who would attempt to defy the lock-down orders of Commissar Phil Murphy.   If wrong-thoughts continue to be expressed, it may become necessary for the Ministry of Coronavirus Compliance to deduct 500 credits from your social compliance score. Please do not put the Ministry in the position of having to make such decisions. Compliance is in your best interest.

A liberty-minded woman in New Jersey has been charged with crimes against the state.
Her infraction was organizing a protest, a rebellion against state interests, and violating Governor Phil Murphy’s quarantine.  For the crime of allegedly planning a protest against statewide stay-at-home orders, Mrs. Kim Pagan has been labeled an enemy of the state.

New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and State Police Superintendent Colonel Patrick J. Callahan identified the woman’s infraction in a daily offense bulletin intended to outline the identity of non-compliant citizens acting outside the boundaries of state authority.   Scofflaws will not be tolerated within the confines of the Garden State.

A rogue citizen could put a compliant society at risk of infection. They may not just carry biologics they could carry a more alarming virus of wrong-thought against the interests of the state. Rogue citizens would be subversive to our new society.
[Crime and Law] […] According to that enforcement update release, Kim Pagan of Toms River was the mind behind a Friday protest at the statehouse in Trenton, New Jersey. Covered by national media, an unknown number of protesters reportedly waved American flags, honked their car horns and shouted “no more fear” through a megaphone.
According to New York’s NBC affiliate, WNBC, one protestor’s car bore a hand-scrawled message in shoe polish which read: “PLANDEMIC.”
Similar protests have occurred in a few other states, but the American public is widely in favor of listening to public health officials’ recommendations. Many genuine civil libertarians have accepted the restrictive safety regimes. The far-right protests do not appear to have any sort of widespread support. Pagan’s action was reportedly the first in the tri-state area, according to WNBC.
Pagan was charged by New Jersey State Police with violating Murphy’s Coronavirus-inspired emergency order “by organizing a prohibited event” near the statehouse and elsewhere in the capital city in which “protesters gathered” in order “to demonstrate against the Governor’s Executive Orders,” according to authorities. (read more)

When you see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion; when you see that in order to invoke your first amendment right to speech; or your sixth amendment right to due process, you must obtain permission from men who rebuke our constitution; when you see that justice is determined by those who leverage, not in law, but in politics; when you see that men get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and our representatives don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you; when you see corruption holding influence, and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified; you will know that your freedom too is soon to perish.

The COVID Compliance Ministry appreciates good citizens who comply with the interests of the state.  Good citizenship is rewarded with enhanced credits allowing access to a safe COVID Compliant Society. A safer society; where the odds will always be in your favor.

A reminder:… During this economic war residents within the Blue occupied territories will be held captive to the political whims of their regional generals.

The economic freedom and liberty zone will encompass the Red region. The center of the country, mid west, southern region (surrounding the Gulf of Mexico) and south eastern Atlantic region. These areas will be open to commerce and economic freedom.

However, the urban dense populations (Blue pockets within Red zones) will push-back against the efforts of the Red generals in an attempt to retain alignment with their Blue team generals. Depending on the strength of the urban forces there may be roadblocks, sabotage, skirmishes and political violence against the freedom & liberty Red team.

Red captives within the Blue zones will have to be smart and strategic. Big Blue tech will be assisting the totalitarian Blue generals. Direct confrontation against the Blue forces should be avoided, and it will likely be a better strategy to fight stealthily as insurgents.

Any Red team member of the economic freedom alliance, trapped within a Blue region, is warned to evaluate their connection to their electronic devices. Your cell phones could be used as portable transponders expose your movement and your political views.

This is going to be one hell of a battle. A Spring and Summer conflict looms like we’ve never seen in the history of U.S. politics.

Conduct your affairs accordingly.

It’s not about a virus; it’s about control…