Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mommy Whitmer: “Behave or I’ll ground you longer”

In response to Michiganders protesting her draconian, capricious 
Stay at Home orders, Mommy Whitmer is threatening to extend 
the lockdown if they don’t behave.

I don’t know what’s worse – Gretchen Whitmer acting like a busybody neighbor or Gretchen Whitmer acting like everybody’s mommy.

In response to Michiganders protesting her draconian, capricious Stay at Home orders, Mommy Whitmer is threatening to extend the lockdown if they don’t behave.

Like a mother who grounded her kids then threatening to extend their grounding.

Now, I get it.  Governor Mommy Whitmer isn’t alone in this. Far too many Americans want Government to treat them like children.  And Democrats are more than happy to oblige.

This was the Obama model of governance championed by First Mommy Michelle for eight years.

Remember when Michelle described the Obama Presidency as “having the good parent at home?”  She said Obama was the responsible parent, “the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time.”

You know, compared to that “bad dad” Trump who lets those kids stay up late and eat what they want.

Infantilizing American citizens is kind of a Democrat thing.

So Gretchen Whitmer’s transformation from a Glady Kravitz busybody to Governor Mommy is hardly a surprise.

Mommy Whitmer sees herself, not as the chief executive of state government, but as the responsible parent exercising tough love by keeping her recalcitrant children in line.  And a good parent won’t hesitate to ground you if you don’t behave.

“You think this is bad?  Well, try me!  Go ahead.  You’ll find out how serious I am when I extend your grounding for another month!”

Treating her fellow Michiganders as nothing more than naughty children all to justify her arbitrary, intrusive dictates.

These folks aren’t children.

They’re adults who can’t earn a living to support their own children.

For heaven’s sake.  They want to take care of their families by maintaining a roof over their heads and food on the table. You know, those things responsible parents are supposed to do but can’t because Mommy Whitmer grounded them.

She’s treating this mandated lockdown as nothing more than Mom sending you to bed without supper or taking away your Play Station. Which tells me that Mommy Whitmer doesn’t have the slightest clue just how much long-term damage she is doing to the citizens of her state.

The Michiganders who took to the streets to protest weren’t just defiant, irresponsible kids giving Mommy pushback. They’re trying to save their jobs, their homes, their businesses and livelihoods for crap’s sake.

And flippantly threatening to extend the shutdown as a way to teach them a lesson is proof that this woman has no business being the governor of a state.