Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Maria Bartiromo Expands on Her Flynn Exoneration Claim —

Bartiromo Expands on Her Claim — 

James Baker Notes Highlight FBI Set Up

On Sunday Maria Bartiromo caused a stir when she tweeted that sources told her “Michael Flynn will be exonerated this week. It was a total fraud. A set up.”

Yesterday, in an interview with Georgia Rep. Doug Collins Ms. Bartiromo expands on what she was told.

Apparently, former FBI chief legal counsel James Baker made notes surrounding the FBI meeting where agent Peter Strzok and agent Joseph Pientka interviewed National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.  According to Bartiromo James Baker’s notes are exculpatory in that they show the intent and purpose of the FBI interview was to set-up Lt Gen. Flynn.

Baker was removed from his position December 21, 2017, around the same time when James Wolfe was removed from the SSCI.  James Baker resigned from the FBI on May 4, 2018, right in the middle of the 2018 FBI cover-up operations.  When Baker resigned the James Wolfe indictment was hidden & sealed (since March ’18); the Julian Assange indictment was hidden and sealed (since March ’18); and two months later the FBI lied to the FISA court (July 12, 2018).

The in the spring and summer of 2018 the DOJ/FBI was trying to: (1) protect Robert Mueller’s fraudulent investigation; (2) hide their prior corruption, including fisa; and (3) delay everything until the Democrats could take the House in the mid-terms.