Friday, April 24, 2020

House Democrats Install Joe Biden Handler, Jim Clyburn, As Lead For Newly Created Trump Removal Committee

Along a party line vote in the House of Representatives, yesterday House Democrats created a Coronavirus investigation committee to be led by candidate Joe Biden’s official political handler and control officer: South Carolina Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn.


The assembly of the Clyburn Committee is the DNC’s fourth political effort to remove President Trump from office: 

(1) 2017: Russia Collusion; (2) 2018: Mueller Obstruction; (3) 2019: Ukraine interference; and now (4) 2020: Coronavirus caused by Trump.

The DNC Club boldly created the Coronavirus Oversight Committee to find new and insightful ways to claim the Wuhan Virus was caused by President Trump.  However, it is the installation of Jim Clyburn, the engineer for the Joe Biden campaign, as the head of that committee that shows the political intents for 2020.

Democrats are not even trying to hide it.

Right before the SC Primary the DNC Club knew they had a problem with the Bernie Sanders momentum.  An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called. The  DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary  outcome.

Former President Obama was initiated by the Club to contact all candidates and inform them when and how they would quit the race and fall-in-line behind Joe Biden.

Clyburn was then triggered to initiate his endorsement and begin the rapid-fire process.

Within 48 hours all members of the club and candidates had their instructions and proceeded to follow-through on the plan.  They had no choice.  If they did not comply they would suffer the consequences of a fully aligned club hierarchy who would target them personally and financially.

The plan worked flawlessly.

As part of the coordinated deal Representative James Clyburn was put in charge of the Biden campaign; Clyburn stunningly admitted this immediately after the strategy went public.  James Clyburn will also select/appoint the vice-presidential nominee.
Joe Biden has early-onset dementia. Everyone knows this to be true.

The Biden candidacy is a front; a ruse, a manipulative scheme that needs a face… That’s Joe Biden.

A Biden presidency would be a complete farce.  The Club would be in control of everything behind the scenes.  All policy would be Club policy; and, specifically because of their importance in triggering the origin of the entire enterprise, the primary policy stakeholders will be the congressional black caucus (CBC) led by James Clyburn.

That BIG PICTURE is the reason for the House to assemble another Trump removal committee today, headed by James Clyburn.   The club isn’t even trying to put on the pretense of hiding it… their openness and hubris is quite remarkable.

Perhaps the DNC confidence toward pulling this off is driven by their confidence in using the coronavirus to get mail-in vote ballots approved on a state-by-state basis.  The DNC Club controls the mail…. and the ballot counting…  in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan…. ergo the DNC Club controls the 2020 election.

One thing is sure, Clyburn’s Trump Removal Committee will find or create every possible controversy, and manufacture whatever they cannot find, to outline President Trump as the cause for suffering in the U.S. with coronavirus.   A big part of that plan will be to highlight the coronavirus impact on the black and minority communities.

Later in the summer, as Clyburn assembles his own fabricated dossier of manipulative virus research, Anthony Fauci will step-in to play the role of Alexander Vindman.  The media will crank-up their White House investigation sirens again… and we’ll be off to the 2020 races amid the fourth removal effort by political operatives.

Bookmark it.  These people are predictable.

Here’s the Trump Removal Committee outline: