Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hospital Exec, Former Clinton Staffer Fired for Demanding Trump Voters Refuse Medical Care

A former operative for Hillary Clinton who was vice president for external affairs at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York, was fired after a series of social media posts in which she trashed supporters of Clinton’s opponent in the 2016 election, President Donald Trump.

Laura Krolczyk was fired after an investigation by the hospital, spokeswoman Annie Deck-Miller confirmed Saturday, according to The Buffalo News.

A second woman involved in the exchange, Lisa LaTrovato, director of development for Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute, has been placed on leave, The News reported.

The exchange was publicized by GOP strategist Michael Caputo on his social media accounts.

The back-and-forth began when Krolczyk and LaTovato were sharing criticisms about the administration and its pursuit of ventilators for coronavirus patients.

“Trump supporters need to pledge to give up their ventilators for someone else … and not go to the hospital,” Krolczyk posted.

“I think they should be the only ones in packed churches on Sunday,” LaTovato said.

“They should barricade themselves in there and ride this out,” Krolczyk posted.

After another poster made a critical comment, Krolczyk teed off on that person and the president.

“That’s literally what he’s saying. Take your ‘wow’ and comprehend what your hero is saying. Your hero is saying YOU don’t need a ventilator. So don’t take one,” she wrote.

“Also don’t cash your stimulus check. It’s all a hoax. Chew some ibuprofen and be on with your day,” Krolczyk added.

Roswell Park called the comments “inappropriate.”

“They do not reflect the opinions of Roswell Park or its senior leadership,” CEO Candace S. Johnson said in the statement.

“This behavior is not tolerated at Roswell Park. If any team members act in a way that does not accord with that commitment, we will take swift and appropriate action, just as we did in this instance,” Roswell Park added in a statement.

Hauptman Woodward’s statement emphasized that the comments were made on a personal Facebook account.

“HWI leadership is addressing this regrettable personnel matter directly with the individual involved, who has been placed on administrative leave pending further internal review,” it said.

The News reported Krolczyk worked for Clinton and Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and LaTrovato for another Democrat, New York Rep. Louise Slaughter.