Saturday, April 18, 2020

Elected Sheriffs, A Defense Against Tyranny

 Shot Heard Round The World Start of American Revolution 1775
Article written by Mike Ford in "RedState":

Some time ago, I wrote a series of Pro Second Amendment articles in rebuke to Democrat initiatives attempting illegal gun confiscation. My thought was that along with the court system, one major line of defense against tyrannical local and state governments, and possibly even an out-of-control Federal Government, could be local Sheriff’s. The vast majority of these constitutional officers are elected officials who are directly responsible to their constituents and more importantly, the Constitution of these United States. As I noted previously, here is a sample Law Enforcement Oath of Office from North Carolina.

I, _______________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as _______________, so help me God.

Most State Oaths of Office are pretty close to the above, first addressing fealty to the U.S. Constitution and only after, to the State Constitution and Laws.

However, not all of these constitutional officers understand the gravity of the oath they are sworn to uphold. In California…surprise surprise, surprise…a duly elected Sheriff wants to jail a pastor whom he claims hid congregants from him. Really?
My good friend and colleague Brandon Morse writes:

We’ve devolved into religious leaders being forced to hide worshipers from authorities.
According to KTVU-TV, Merced Country Sheriff Vernon H. Warnke and his deputies received a tip that Iglesia De Jesus Cristo Palabra Miel on Weaver Avenue had dozens of people inside the church with the doors locked and cars parked out of view of the street.

Deputies showed up in tactical gear at the church and began searching for congregants who, as it turns out, weren’t hiding at all, as Pastor Fernando Aguas told KTVU

That ain’t good. Publicly elected Sheriffs are a significant bastion against State and Federal overreach. It is good to see, that there are such public servants who understand their constitutional charge.

In Michigan, these publicly elected peace officers seem to get it.

Four sheriffs in northern Michigan declared Wednesday they would not be enforcing recent executive orders signed by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer implemented to slow the spread of the novel Wuhan coronavirus in the state.
Citing concerns over violating civil liberties, Sheriffs Mike Borkovich, Ted Schendel, Ken Falk, and Kim Cole who protect counties along Lake Michigan in the northwest part of the mitten said in a joint statement that the governor “has created a vague framework of emergency laws that only confuse Michigan citizens.”
As a result, we will not have strict enforcement of these orders,” the sheriffs said. “We will deal with every case as an individual situation and apply common sense in assessing the apparent violation… We believe that we are the last line of defense in protecting your civil liberties.”

This is important. The People always need to retain the ability to defy an out of control government.

On a cool Massachusetts morning, April 19, 1775, a group of farmers, tradesmen, and other “Minutemen” led by Captain John Parker, gathered on Lexington Commons to…express umbrage at the British Crown’s attempt to confiscate Colonial Weapons.

“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here,” declared Parker.

No one knows who fired the first shot, but at the end of the battle, eight Americans lay dead and as many wounded. This came to be known as the “shot heard ‘round the World” and the de facto beginning of the American Revolution.

On a cool American morning…sometime during a Chinese developed plague, infesting these United States…American citizens stood up against overreach by Governor Gretchen Esther Whitmer. On a cool morning in America.