Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Despite sexual assault allegation, Obama will endorse Biden

What better way to get the media to ignore Tara Reade not to mention Joe’s encroaching dementia than by covering it all with a little of that Obama Razzle Dazzle?

Okay, I know.  That headline isn’t typical for me.  The typical Dianny headline would be “Dirty Digit Joe finally receives coveted Obama endorsement.”

But I thought I’d try my hand at coming up with a headline fit for the New York Times.  How’d I do?

Ironic how Barack Obama timed his endorsement of Joey Fingers for after the corporate news media finally acknowledged the existence of the sexual assault allegation against the befuddled old man.

Timing, as they say, is everything.

And I have no doubt the timing was on purpose.

This way, if some rogue journalist totally forgets himself and actually asks Obama about this sexual assault allegation, Barack can say what he always says: “I heard about this the same way as you, when the New York Times thoroughly investigated it and found it was without merit.”

Though, given how reporters are with Obama, I doubt any of them would dare to even bring it up.

It’s more likely the DNC and its media handmaids need to get the focus off of Dirty Digit Joe and his penchant for getting handsy. And what better way to do that than to overshadow the sexual assault allegation with the coveted Obama endorsement?

And trust me, with those big ears, Obama can overshadow pretty much everything – even an allegation of sexual assault.

Now the media can go back to pretending Tara Reade doesn’t exist while running one fawning report after another about their favorite matinee idol, Barack H. Obama.

Finally the media can superimpose some of that Obama Dazzle onto the somnambulant Biden campaign – the very dazzle that Dirty Digit Joe has been desperate to enjoy.

And because of that Obama veneer, Fingers Biden will once again enjoy the complete Media Cover Fire that comes with being associated with Obama.  Which means the gaffes, the incoherence and, of course, the sexual assault allegation will be instantly, conveniently invisible to the media’s eye.

Just when old, wandering fingers Biden needs that invisibility and lack of scrutiny the most.