Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dennis Miller: Was Hillary Endorsing Biden Or Just Warming Up ‘In The Bullpen?’

Dennis Miller
 Article written by David Krayden in "The Daily Caller":

Conservative comedian Dennis Miller said Wednesday night that Hillary Clinton looked more like she was ready to replace Joe Biden than endorse him when the two appeared together at a virtual town hall.

“I would keep my eye on Hillary,” Miller said, citing the livestream campaign event and potentially joking.

“I still think she’s in the bullpen. I think she realizes six months is a long time. This guy might end up in traction … I think she’s going to hang right off his wing and keep an eye on him,” Miller quipped on Fox News’ “Hannity,” where he has become a regular Wednesday night feature.

“She could jump in, because let’s face facts: six months, anything could happen. Biden has gone around the bend … There are people who win NASCAR races who don’t go around the bend that quickly. He might not be there in the end.”

Miller said watching Biden sitting next to Hillary during their livestream event reminded him of famed actor/comedian Peter Sellers’ depiction of vacuous Chance the gardener in the 1979 film “Being There.”

“I always think, ‘are we going to let this guy become Chance the rose gardener six months from now?"

Miller then took aim at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom last week he accused of having “brain freeze” because of her fixation on ice cream and expensive freezers.

”Do you know what makes me laugh? She’s for the absolute guaranteed universal income. So she wants that empirically in print but she won’t even hear about a flat tax. It will show you just the way they think over there: that would be verboten, a flat tax, but they want some guaranteed income over there!”

“You know, Pelosi is so hypocritical that when [Dr. Anthony] Fauci talks to her … [he] tells her she shouldn’t touch either of her faces while she’s in quarantine,” the comedian continued.

Miller also touched on the often erratic behavior of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who Wednesday was threatening to arrest people for gathering in large groups. While Miller insisted de Blasio isn’t “dumb,” he finds him “ill-intentioned. I think de Blasio is like the blank square in Political Hack Scrabble.”

 “He doesn’t count for any points in it of himself but you can use them to complete a lot of useful idiot words.”