Friday, April 3, 2020


Nothing says “China contained the virus” like a worldwide pandemic.

If I see one more American “journalist” tout reports that China successfully contained the Wuhan virus, I’m going to go postal.

Really?  It’s contained?

Does it not occur to these idiots that if China had actually contained the Wuhan virus, it would not be in virtually every country across the globe?

All those blue circles? The only reason those blue circles exist at all is because China let this virus loose on the world.

But sure, tell us how China successfully contained the virus.

In mid-January, the useless World Health Organization assured the world that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the Wuhan virus.


Why did they report that?  Because that’s what the Chinese Government told them.  And the idiots at the WHO just accepted it as fact.

China lied to the WHO.  It lied to the world.

The only thing China successfully “contained” was the flow of information and data the rest of the world needed to prepare and combat this virus. They even went so far as to “disappear” doctors who attempted to raise the alarm.

China contained the virus my ass.

Tell that to the families of those who have died of the Wuhan virus.

Our economy is tanking.  Unemployment claims from last week were over six million – on top of the 3.28 million the week before.

We’re stuck in our homes worrying about how the hell we’re going to make ends meet.

Over four thousand Americans have died from this virus China “contained.”

And the fact that anyone in the American news media would actually utter the phrase “China contained the virus” isn’t just reprehensible; it is journalistic malpractice.

UPDATE: China has a whole new county on lockdown