Friday, April 17, 2020

CNN On Biden Allegations: 'Some Presidential Candidate Did Something'

ATLANTA, GA—Many criticized CNN for breathlessly covering allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh throughout the then-SCOTUS candidate's confirmation process but remaining silent on accusations against presidential candidate Joe Biden.

To address these concerns, CNN has finally posted an article on Tara Reade's allegations, the headline reading "Some presidential candidate did something."

"Some presidential candidate did something," the article reads, "but what difference, at this point, does it make? Besides, it's not really harassment -- it's democratic harassment. His body, his choice." The article then includes a long list of Joe Biden's accomplishments and reminds readers that if they were to do actual journalism on the accusations against Joe Biden, the "Bad Orange Man" might win again this year. "So before you rush to judgment on this old creepy guy, remember that he's our old creepy guy."

"In conclusion, vote for Joe Biden."

CNN quickly pulled the article at the request of the DNC.