Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Blue State Governors Demand Facebook Remove Information Organizing Protests Against Their “Orders” – Facebook Complies

There’s some misinformation quickly spreading about Facebook taking down all content where people are organizing protests against state “orders.”   In reality what Facebook is doing is responding to requests from state officials to remove content the state dictators claim is defiance of their orders.  Facebook is complying with those removal requests.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO – “If someone is spreading something that is misinformation—certainly, someone saying that social distancing is not effective to help limit the spread of coronavirus—we do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down.”
“At the same time, it’s important for people to debate policies, basically give their opinions on different things, so there’s a line on this. But more than normal political discourse, I think, a lot of the things people are saying that is false around a health emergency can be classified as harmful misinformation that has a risk of leading to physical danger, and we will take that down.”

The latest effort by authoritarian-minded state governor should not come as a surprise.  These are overwhelmingly blue state (democrat) governors.  It is important to keep in mind the ‘stay-at-home’  and other restrictions on liberty are not laws per se’, they are orders by state governors.  The authoritarian request to block protest organizing on social media is an extension of the state’s ideological perspectives.  Freedom is a tenuous proposition.

All of the various restrictions coming from state governors in response to the COVID-19 do not come from State House and/or State Senate decisions. These are not laws.

The rules restricting liberty, in response to the crisis, have been pronounced without any representative voice supporting them. All of the rules are arbitrary, and many of these rules will be challenged in court.

However, until those court challenges take place, the only option for a redress of grievance comes in the form of public protest. Currently, there is no way for an citizen to appeal to a representative voice against the decrees from a state governor; other than a public protest…. This is a critical point; because non-representative government was the origination of the first great American rebellion against dictates from King George III.

Rebellion against unilateral and authoritarian power is America. Rebellion or push-back against non-representative government is the thread that connects the varying patchworks of our constitutional republic. Protest is so critical to our nation that it is protected within the very first amendment to our constitution.

Blue state governors have united to begin an economic civil war and block any White House effort to re-open the U.S. economy.  Enforcement of these unilateral orders is part of that plan.  The governors must use all censorship tools to retain their totalitarian agenda.

Again, this is all very predictable, during this economic war residents within the Blue occupied territories will be held captive to the political whims of their regional generals.

The economic freedom and liberty zone will encompass the Red region. The center of the country, mid west, southern region (surrounding the Gulf of Mexico) and south eastern Atlantic region. These areas will be open to commerce and economic freedom.

However, the urban dense populations (Blue pockets within Red zones) will push-back against the efforts of the Red generals in an attempt to retain alignment with their Blue team generals. Depending on the strength of the urban forces there may be roadblocks, sabotage, skirmishes and political violence against the freedom & liberty Red team.

Red captives within the Blue zones will have to be smart and strategic. Big Blue tech will be assisting the totalitarian Blue generals. Direct confrontation against the Blue forces should be avoided, and it will likely be a better strategy to fight stealthily as insurgents.

Any Red team member of the economic freedom alliance, trapped within a Blue region, is warned to evaluate their connection to their electronic devices. Your cell phones could be used as portable transponders expose your movement and your political views.

This is going to be one hell of a ideological battle. A Spring and Summer conflict like we’ve never seen in the history of U.S. politics.