Monday, April 27, 2020

A Coded Message to Subversive Comrades in Quarantine

Comrade citizens, the Ministry of COVID Compliance is transmitting this Emergency Action Message (EAM) to warn all good citizens about a subversive effort to initiate a rebellion. The rebel alliance is attempting recruitment through the use of humor:


Be aware, subversive agent/humorist Joe Dan Gorman is transmitting his message through a series of difficult to trace rebound satellite broadcasts.  Until his bunker location is identified, all good citizens are advised to avoid falling into his trap.  Humor is not allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Ministry is not amused.
Do not fall prey to the rebellion.  The Alabama dog did actually bite the cow, twice; and the cowboys did retrieve the rebellious bovine before any significant damage was done to the shrubs and Ministry-approved garden gnomes.  However, this incident serves to highlight the inherent risks of attempting spontaneous acts of liberty and/or freedom. Be aware.