Friday, March 20, 2020

Weekend Open Thread: On Time Social Distancing (normal day for introverts) Very Super Long and Absurd Title Edition- Plus Ultra

So here we are after a weird week. Life is cancelled, Earth is closed, and while it all burns we're posting on the interweb. This seems to be the norm these days ... something bad happens and everyone memes about it. These are strange times we live in.

After a few days of things kind of getting normal here in Bama after Monday's rush on everything made out of paper, things are out of hand again today. The Governor made a few proclamations closing on site eating and whatnot and the city closed a lot of parks and city services. How that relates to the copious amounts of toilet paper folks think they need is quite beyond my understanding. But it is what it is.

I find it odd that they want to do this "social distancing" and they enact these rules, but everyone crowds in the store, uses their card, and then types their PIN on the pad that everyone else has been touching all day. It just seems all for naught, if you ask me. I'll be going to church on the internet this Sunday and next Sunday ... so that will be different. I've watched our livestreams before when out of town, but it's always better in person.

So, let's ignore what's going on and get into what we're all here for ... memes and music. You know, the important stuff that keeps us sane while the world loses its mind.

Here's a few memes I picked from my meme garden this morning ... an assortment of homegrown organic memes from reddit, instagram and twitter. Enjoy.


y'all know what's up
memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ...
post 'em if you got 'em

and don't forget to recommend
and invite someone new to join in