Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The video to send to everyone citing the ‘97% scientist consensus’ on climate change

The climate change hoax is funny. It's also dangerous.

For decades, the climate change alarmism agenda has been raging around the globe. But only until recently has it really gained widespread interest in the United States thanks in large part to radical progressives like Al Gore and Barack Obama. They opened the door to the most modern versions of climate change leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg. It’s clearly becoming a movement led by young people, yet they’re still echoing the same old lies.
Arguably the biggest lie in both its scope and the fact that it has contributed so greatly to the indoctrination of the masses is the notion that 97% of scientists (sometimes specified as “climate scientists”) acknowledge that climate change is man-made, dangerous, and reversible if we act dramatically and immediately. But is this oft-quoted statistic true? Not remotely.
The good folks at the Climate Discussion Nexus did a fabulous job of fact checking the so-called “studies” that back the claim echoed by climate change alarmists on a daily basis. Do 97% of scientists agree on anything? Nope, not even climate change.
No matter how much one tries to hide the truth, it will, eventually be found out.