Thursday, March 19, 2020

The colicky babies of the American news media

If you’re looking for at-home entertainment while we all practice social distancing, you might consider renting “Richard Jewell.” But be warned, it’ll make you hate the media and the FBI even more than you probably already do.

Times of national crisis often reveal the true nature of people.  And if this Wuhan pandemic has shown us anything it’s that the American news media are a bunch of colicky babies.

These guys are never satisfied.  Never.

You can change them, feed them, put them down for a nap, and no matter what you do, they just can’t stop fussing.

Last week the news media was in high dudgeon because President Trump had not been tested for the Wuhan virus.

“He was a CPAC!  He shook hands with Doug Collins!!!  Why isn’t Trump getting tested?!”

Then President Trump was tested for Wuhan, and his test came back negative.

And how did these colicky babies respond?

“Why are they wasting a test on Trump?!  He wasn’t showing symptoms!!”

No matter what you do – no matter what you give them – they just aren’t placated.

These are the people we’re supposed to count on to keep the public informed.
And yet all we get from them is fussy histrionics and tantrums.

For weeks they’ve been claiming President Trump isn’t doing enough to stop the spread of the Wuhan virus in the US.  Yet every day the President and his team have come into the briefing room to give the press daily updates of their progress — what they’ve been doing, what steps the President is taking, everything.

And, like the colicky babies they are, now the press can’t understand why the Administration is wasting time on daily briefings.

Fact is, I’m grateful the President and his team are going to such lengths to keep the American people informed because the colicky babies in the American news media aren’t going to do it.

They’re too busy second-guessing and complaining.

Or, in some extreme cases, demanding that the President be arrested for homicide because of the Wuhan virus.

Is Trump Derangement Syndrome the adult version of colic?

As Becket Adams put it yesterday at the Washington Examiner, the COVID-19 pandemic shows our elite pundit class is completely worthless.

If nothing else, the viral outbreak has shown that the U.S. pundit class is no more informed or credible than your average comments section. Our commentariat is a collection of irredeemable zealots, partisan guttersnipes, and all-around know-nothings, which makes them not only the most useless class of person to be involved in the public discourse surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, but also one of the most dangerous.

These colicky babies are willing to believe any claim made by anonymous sources – even after they are thoroughly debunked.

If one of them misquotes President Trump, all of them latch onto the misquote and regurgitate it as fact.

John Nolte at Breitbart put together a list of the most egregious lies these colicky babies spread in their mission to undermine the President’s efforts to address this pandemic.

They’re not reporting; they’re gossiping, complaining, second-guessing, and worse, ginning up fear and panic.

Could you imagine if, during World War Two these were the people we had to rely on for “news?”

If their behavior during this pandemic is any indication, they would have been sharing Japanese and German propaganda while accusing President Roosevelt of murdering US sailors at Pearl Harbor.

Perhaps that’s the reason know-nothing cranks like Joy Reid are getting fussy over the President and his team giving daily briefings.  The daily briefings cut into their ability to control the narrative.  And the information provided flies in the face of their fussy histrionics and dangerous fearmongering.

This is why I tell you to shut them off.

We as a nation have a history of coming together in difficult times.  Whether it’s 9/11 or World War Two – this is who we are.

But it isn’t who they are.

Trump Derangement Syndrome hasn’t just turned them into fussy children; it’s made them dangerous. Their hatred for Trump has eaten away their ability to rise above partisanship and do what is in the best interests of our country.

They are not seeking to inform the public.  And they certainly aren’t providing any kind of public service.

Becket Adams is right.  They are zealots, partisan guttersnipes and know-nothings.

And when things don’t fit their narrative, they shriek and cry like the colicky babies they are.