Friday, March 20, 2020

OANN Reporter Asks Barnburner of a Question at WH Briefing, Causes a CNN Meltdown

We reported earlier that President Donald Trump was in good form at the press briefing today on the Wuhan coronavirus, doing some fun dropping of the media. 

But he wasn’t the only one who apparently came loaded for bear to the briefing.

Chanel Rion, a reporter for OANN, asked a question that caused folks over at CNN to have a meltdown. Rion asked Trump if he considered the term “Chinese food” racist. Trump said “no,” of course not.

Rion then said “Left wing media has teamed up with the Chinese communists” to raise objections to Trump’s use of the term “Chinese virus.” “Does it alarm you?” Rion asked the president.

Trump said some of the things that media wrote does “amaze me.” 

So that apparently flipped some of the liberal folks in the media out. Or at the least CNN. 

Here’s what Rion found left for her on her desk there.

Who was the passive aggressive person? Can we take a guess? 

Let’s hear from CNN’s Oliver Darcy. Notice how he disrespects Rion by calling her a “personality”

Can we say complete lack of self-awareness? This from the network who is pretty much always focused on the attack narrative on the president. 

Brian Stelter also lost it as well.

There, there Brian. 

Perhaps CNN who has habitually abysmal ratings might not want to talk about anyone else being “tiny?” 

Apparently the question from Rion hit CNN close to home. 

But Rion had a great response to the “anonymous” note dropper.
You can click on this one to see it better:

Rion says she doesn’t “give a damn” about the delicate sensibilities of the Chinese Communists and she suspects Trump doesn’t either. “It’s the Chinese virus forever.” 

Poor Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcey. Looks like she hit a nerve. 

But perhaps while we’re looking at decoupling from China in terms of things like pharmaceuticals we should be looking at decoupling in media as well. A deep dive and a little light shone on the connections is long overdue for some in media.